Tuesday, Feb 13, 2007 at 08:50
I don't know the V6's that
Had a 2.6l 4 cyl, and now a diesel.
If you have done all the usual checks, like coil, power to the dizzy etc, and no spark coming out of the dizzy on any of the 6 leads, as you say, it must be in the dizzy. You usually get some spark in the leads, even if it is arcing/shorting somewhere such as across the inside of the cap.
I think this one has points. If you turn the engine by hand with ignition on, do you get a spark at the points. Often you can hear it as a click, even if you can't see it. If it is low voltage witht he module I suppose you may not hear it.
You have checked to make sure the carbon button onto the rotor and the rotor is OK? Have had that carbon button drop out once. Another time, the rotor lost it's drive key and just spun around freely.
Maybe it is time to overhaul the dizzy. If it has a few K up, might be a good idea.
As you say it looks pretty bad in there, maybe points, module and a look at bushes etc. New cap, new rotor.