Thursday, Feb 22, 2007 at 22:03
Long reply (releasing some frustration LOL)
The mag is actually pretty easy to put together (20 to 30 hours max, a lot less if stories are submitted in Publisher format rather than word) but the chasing, scrounging and general searching for stories is a PITA that I really don’t have time or motivation for.
For those that don’t know me, I run a large heavy engineering business – five and a half days a week – am married and have 3 kids under 10, currently building a new house and still managing to go 4WDing a couple of days a month plus long weekends, etc. Basically I have a very busy but enjoyable and fulfilling life!
The idea for the mag came from all of the excellent trip reports that were being written for club mags and personal websites, which in my opinion were a far better read and more enjoyable than those in the commercial mags. So a magazine by 4WDers for 4WDers was born. Totally free of commercial interests and distributed for free (it actually costs me a few hundred dollars a year but I can live with that) with all stories being run “as written” without any editing by me.
FYI the winch edition was downloaded nearly 35,000 times. That’s more copies than Overlander or 4x4Aus sell! I thought that would really kick it along but after that one it dried up completely!
At this stage, unless some major help/input happens, my plan is to do one more after this, the Winter edition mid year, to finish the winch testing off – as there has been so much interest, and 2 companies had the balls to send me some
winches (which are still going very
well) - and to cover the OBC (due to the fantastic response from spectators and competitors last year) and then give it up. That’s a shame. A missed opportunity for everyone that’s into 4wding especially when it only needed half a dozen people to get involved and could have really taken off. I’m sick of asking on various groups and forums for stories. Comp guys rigs could be featured and their sponsors shown off. Zero response. I’ve asked if people want their vehicles featured in the mag (DIY storage systems, DIY dual batts, whatever). Got zilch. Ask for a few favourite pics to show off from some really top amateur 4WD photographers- Nothing arrived.
Enough from me and sorry if I sound upset about this, coz I’m not, I’m just disappointed it hasn’t achieved what it could have. Thanks again to those that have submitted articles, they have been fantastic and you should all be very pleased with and proud of your efforts.
Follow Up By: Andrew from 4wheelingOZ Magazine - Thursday, Feb 22, 2007 at 22:04
Thursday, Feb 22, 2007 at 22:04
Sorry, this should have been in reply to Robins post. LOL
Mag should be ready to read next week.
Follow Up By: navaraman - Thursday, Feb 22, 2007 at 23:25
Thursday, Feb 22, 2007 at 23:25
It would be a pity to see it go Andrew because it's the best mag I read. I've got a few trips coming up in the next few months so I'll make sure you get the reports for the winter issue. Would it be possible to leep it as a twice yearly mag insted of the original quaterly.
Patrolman Pat
Follow Up By: Member - Mike_L (SA) - Saturday, Feb 24, 2007 at 19:21
Saturday, Feb 24, 2007 at 19:21
Thanks for the reply. I must agree with navaraman, it's a fantastic magazine and a much better read than any of the mainstream, commercial magazines we see in the newsagents.
I understand your situation, I am self employed in engineering, work six days a week and also find it hard for some spare time for other interests.
It would be sad to see the mag finish up. Anything I can do to help? might even try and write an article.
Looking forward to the new edition.