Prado TX T Case Blown
Submitted: Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 16:06
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I have had the horrific happen. My Tranfer case has blown up whilst doing a U turn on bitumen. I know that the centre diff lock light was not on at the time and had not been on for hours before. Has anyone heard of another case?
Reply By: BruceL - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 16:18
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 16:18
Check out the Prado group 90scool on Yahoo - they have been collecting incidents in a database to assist users having difficulty with Toyota warranty.
Reply By: Mal58 - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 17:54
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 17:54
When you say that your transfer case has blown up, what do you mean ?
The reason I ask, is that about 18 months ago, after a number of days of 4wd'ing, when I went to put my Prado into high range lock, it would not go. The lever would not move. A number of "bush" mechanics had a look at and said the transfer case was jammed. Big $'s
I thought the worst. It was with trepidation that I took it to Toyota and showed them the fault. They did not seemed concerned.
Later that day, I had a phone call to say that it was fixed and that the cost was $0.
They explained that when they had taken out the gearbox to fix a leaking rear main bearing seal (about 3 months prior), that they had put a spring back incorrectly under the selecter and that it had stopped the movement of the lever.
They also suggested that this very occasionally happens when "inexperienced" drivers push the lever incorrectly.
I hope this is what has happened to you.
Follow Up By: Peter from Rockingham 4wd Club Inc. - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 22:00
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 22:00
you stole my thunder. this is exactly what happened to me.
Follow Up By: Peter - Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 09:37
Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 09:37
Mal58. Thanks for that - I wish it was that simple. Toyota have taken it out and say that there is catastrophic damage to the gears inside the T Case - probably caused by driving on hard surfaces with the centre diff lock engaged. They are now passing it onto me as a driver error. I know that the diff lock light was off all of that afternoon but obviously the diff lock remained engaged.
Reply By: Mal58 - Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 13:04
Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 13:04
I am really sorry to hear that your Transfer Case problem is damaged gears. This is bad news.
I understand that there are two variants of transfer case on the Prado (excluding the just released model).
My Prado (1998 model) uses a mechanical lever to select high & low range (including lock). Locking in High or Low is dependant on the position of the lever. The dash board light, indicating "lock" is driven from a switch within the transfer case. This lights when the transfer case is locked (the gears within the transfer case have moved into the locked position), not when the lever has selected high or low range lock.
The second variant uses both a mechanical lever plus an electric solenoid (via a dashboard switch). The lever selects the high or low range gears, and the solenoid selects the lock. I am not sure how the Dashboard indicator light works in this case. One hopes that the lock light is driven from the engagement of the gears within the transfer case, not the switch on the dashboard.
If your transfer case is the second type, there is a very slim chance an electrical fault caused the lock to be engaged without the indicator light thus resulting in the damage. Slim, but possible.
Sorry I can't think of anything else.
Follow Up By: Peter - Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 14:10
Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 14:10
Thanks for your concern Mal58.
Mine is the TX which has the button. This system is much the same as my old 80 series - the light is supposed to come on when the the lever is engaged in the T Case. They have tested all of the switches and levers and say that they work OK.
I have just spoken to Toyota. They are sticking to the assumption that I acidentally locked the button without seeing the light and VSC indicator illuminated in the dashboard (pretty hard to do). They say that there is about $1600 damage - not a written quote yet. They said that if the fault happens again - I can claim it on warranty. Of course (I think) they would just do the same again.
I believe that if the T Case did give way whilst locked - it would not be able to be unlocked by the lever until pressure was released - and seeing as it was not on when they got the vehicle - it obviously wasn't locked in the first place.
An ulternate theory is that something (???) has come between the diff cogs and locked it up independant of the switch. I will have to get it fixed and then chase Toyota through legal channels. What I am concerned about now is the fact that it may re-cur at any time!
Reply By: Member - diamond(bendigo) - Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 14:04
Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 14:04
sorry to hear about your box but if toyota say its drivrer error dont just agree swear black and blue it wasnt your fualt do as truckster said and
check out prado site and take all your info to them and they still have to prove it was your fault and if you get a few others on the prado site mentioning it you might have an point to argue with them a friend of
mine is having problems with her freelander some bit blew up $4000 i think local dealer says never happens your fault but truckster gave me a web site where a few other people were talking about the same thing printed it out and gave it to my friend not sure how she went yetlooking foward to
easter at jamieson
Follow Up By: Peter - Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 14:13
Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 14:13
Thanks Diamond.
I agree - I am just waiting on member status to log the issue. I will try all of the 4X4 forums and media to get the word out about phantom diff locking.
Reply By: Phil G - Wednesday, Apr 09, 2003 at 14:32
Wednesday, Apr 09, 2003 at 14:32
Toyotas these days come with their "No-care" Warranty. Basically, they will try you out and put the blame on you if the repair is going to be expensive. You need to stick to your guns and deny that the centre diff was locked. Seek the assistance of your motoring organisation and dept of consumer affairs, if Toyota continue to ignore their responsibilities.
I've been in a similar situation to you and after 10 weeks of investigation Toyota were proven to be at fault.
BTW, is your TX auto or manual and does it have traction control? TX's have featured highly on the Prado group's broken diff/CV database. Yours is the first broken transfer case I've heard of. Someone else had a transfer case reconditioned because of excessive backlash, but it wasn't the problem.
Follow Up By: Peter - Wednesday, Apr 09, 2003 at 16:53
Wednesday, Apr 09, 2003 at 16:53
Thanks Phil G.
I will certainly follow it up as I want to know how a T Case can lock without the button being pressed - I don't know how to trust it again otherwise. It is an auto by the way. All of the TX Autos have Trac Ctr, which I have found to be very very capable going up steep rutted hills - even better than my last 80 series.