Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 at 18:19
cost of the hydraulics is not really an issue... with a small boat like yours
a bottle jack for 40$ will do the trick and a few bolts to hold the lifted frame ..
it's a manual solution though but simple and you only need to do that for
the long runs anyway ... or you go skids all the way, which is a better idea
in your case I guess ... your boat is light and will go onto the skids easy ..
my boat is 6.4m fiberglass with a Mercruiser V8 .. 1.5t dry and 450l of petrol
and 300l of water when filled ... width is exactly 2.50m (legal width)
the trailer is totally custom with a box section in the front (can be set on legs
and taken off). It contains an outdoor kitchen with BBQ and housings for
all sorts of gadgets ... I have a budget of 25K for the trailer ..
my hydraulics are driven from a 6hp Robin motor which I also use for the
hydraulic winch. I use the winch to pull the boat onto the trailer ..
the winch is mounted on the front of my vehicle and I also have a receiver
hitch in the front so I can push the boat into the water ..
also an extendable draw bar that I do not have to drive too far into the
water especially on beach launches ...
The roller thing was something my insurance broker mentioned to me
from experience with previous cases .. my policy contains off road use
of the trailer as long as everything is legal of course ..
I expect the chassis of my trailer to be ready sometime June/July for
a first run before I start designing the kitchen etc.
good luck