LCD TV - secure mount in caravan
Submitted: Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 at 18:11
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Hi All,
Got ourselves an LCD TV/DVD for Chrissy for our caravan ready for a few months touring later in the year (dont usually take one if only going for a couple of weeks).
We have one of those slide out shelf things on top of the fridge to fasten it to and have 'custom made' some bracket to fasten the base of the TV to the shelf. What I was wondering is how LCD TVs cope with being 'jiggled' around inside a caravan? It only has a little bit of movement in the screen (because of the hinge that allow you to tilt the screen). HWMBO said he could make up another bracket to hold the top of the TV but Im not sure this is necessary (and not sure I want more holes drilled all over the place!) - will a tiny bit of movement hurt?
Thanks in advance :-)
Reply By: ZukScooterX90 (QLD)Member - Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 at 19:52
Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 at 19:52
Ours is on one of those projected arms that pull out, swivel, twist,& turn & is mouted high almost touching the ceiling & is bolted off the side of a smallish cupboard in a Winnebago & has been from Bris. to
Winton to Birdsvelle,Innaminka all over & around Tas.A lot of this was on some terrible corrogated roads & there is nothing wrong with it the tv yet.
Reply By: Gob & Denny - Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 at 20:09
Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 at 20:09
we dont normally travel with ours in position i dismantle and it travels on the bed its a bit of a pain but safer
we also have the pull out arm and i am looking at ways to leave it permanently connected but as i would rather sit in front of an open fire it does nt worry me that much
Reply By: Motherhen - Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 at 22:00
Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 at 22:00
We have mounted ours on the wall on one of those swing and turn in all direction TV mounts from a caravan supplier (took us a long time to find one we liked). It travels strapped against the wall, and we have since added an aluminium frame lined with foam rubber for added security, copied off one we saw in a visitor's caravan.