There are quite a few park closures in the SA National Parks in March and May:
Full details here: National Parks Site
Flinders Ranges National Park ReservesTelowie Gorge Conservation Park, Mt Brown Conservation Park,
the Dutchman’s Stern Conservation Park, and Mt Remarkable National Park (Napperby Block of Mt Remarkable National Park Sec. 321, 322, 323, 325, 326, 327, 329 and 347, Hd. of Napperby).
All parks listed will be closed from 6 am on Sunday 18 March 2007 until 8 pm on Wednesday 21 March 2007.
Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park
The Director of National Parks and Wildlife, close to the public the whole of
Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park from:
6 am on Tuesday 13 March 2007 until 7 pm on Thursday 15 March 2007
6 am on Sunday 13 May 2007 until 6 pm on Friday 18 May 2007
6 am on Sunday 2 September 2007 until 6 pm on Friday 7 September 2007
6 am on Sunday 2 December 2007 until 6 pm on Friday 7 December 2007
Gawler Ranges National Park
The Director of National Parks and Wildlife, close to the public the whole of
Gawler Ranges National Park from:
6 am on Friday 23 March 2007 until 6 pm on Monday 26 March 2007
6 am on Saturday 11 August 2007 until 6 pm on Friday 17 August 2007
Flinders Ranges National Park
The Director of National Parks and Wildlife, close to the public the whole of
Flinders Ranges National Park from:
6 am on Friday16 March 2007 until 6 am on Sunday 18 March 2007
Wilpena Pound from 6 am on Friday 16 March 2007 until 6 am on Saturday 17 March 2007
Caroona Creek Conservation Park
The Director of National Parks and Wildlife has authorised the closure to the public of the whole of Caroona Creek Conservation Park between the following dates and times:
6 am on Tuesday 13 March 2007 until 6 pm on Saturday 31 March 2007
Redbanks Conservation Park
The Director of National Parks and Wildlife has authorised the closure to the public of the whole of Redbanks Conservation Park between the following dates and times:
6 am on Tuesday 13 March 2007 until 6 pm on Saturday 31 March 2007
The purpose of the closures is to ensure the safety of the public during a pest control and monitoring program within the reserve during the period indicated.