Thursday, Mar 01, 2007 at 21:16
Birdy you have not explained what model LC. Some have two batteries that are used for starting and plenty of folk get confused and think that they already have a dual battery system when it is not. If that describes your car then you need a third battery. But you have described running the fridge from your sytem so I am getting too confused to really understand that bit.
1. Laptop- Can be run off either an inverter or 12 volt but if you are using it for moving map then it needs to be plugged in and hooked into the GPS all the time. If that is the case then inverter is my suggestion
2. Gps (Ozzie Explorer, DAST) - hoping to use moving map. Depends but they normally run off a 12V plug. Cigarette lighter ones are too unreliable and don't like being on all the time. So a merit plug replacement is a suggestion
3. In car DVD player for the little one. Hard wired into accessories and powered from the starting system
4. Stereo. Ditto above
5. CB & probably
HF radio. Normally ditto above
6. Mobile phone charger. Not sure I would have thought if it as hands free it would be 12V. But if you are remote you will definately not have any need for a mobile phone as it won't work
7. Waeco 50 litre fridge (maybe another one in the CT). Hard wired is the best way to go to handle voltage line drop
When stopped, I will also be running a few lights etc. Get a dual 12V outlet and hardwire it into the second/third battery system
Should I take a little generator to charge everything when stopped ? And what are you going to plug it in to? Generators have their own limitations. Have a clear idea what you want it to power up. I suggest if you go down that path you charge your second/third battery as a priority
Do I need an Invertor to charge things as we drive - if so what size ? Sixe of inverter depends directly on what you are going to charge/power. That calculation is yours
What do I need to ensure my dual (triple) battery system functions correctly? Get all the batteries thoroughly tested by a competent auto elec
well before departure. The one certain thing about batteries is no one can see into them and a collapsed cell is invisibile and inconvenient
Can I charge the laptop, GPS, DVD Player, Mobile phone straight out of the ciggie lighter as Im driving ? No if you want to avoid killing the batteries and.or creating a fire
Pretty detailed I know. So what is easy? Go find a good auto electrician and speak to him about all of this. If they are any good you will spend money but no much and get a great result.
We run; HF, voice and data, satellite voice and data, UHF, in car entertainment, up to two fridges, fluro light at night, GPS and PC and it all runs off one inverter, three hardwired Hella marine plugs and each wire and connection is separately fused and uses 8mm wire with soldered joints for reliability
I hope that somewhat detailed reply helps in your quest
Follow Up By: Birdy - Friday, Mar 02, 2007 at 09:56
Friday, Mar 02, 2007 at 09:56
Firstly thanks for your detailed reply. To clarify, the LC is a 4.5ltr Petrol 1995 RV 80 series. It had only one battery however I had a second deep cycle battery put in to power my 50 litre Waeco Fridge (drwas 0.86 amps/hr). A heavy duty lead has been run from the second battery to the rear of the LC to power the fridge. I had the ciggie lighter plug replaced with a better plug for reliability.
1. Laptop - If using 'Moving Map' as you suggested, will look at using an invertor and seek advice as to what size and type. Alternatively if not using 'Moving Map' will possibly look into a propritry 12v adaptor/car charger from Toshiba to suit the Laptop. That way if laptop is used in car for an hour or 2 I can recharge the batteries. May be better to just get an invertor anyway. Not sure on this one, will have to look into it more.
2.GPS - I have a Magellen Explorist 500 and I can purchase the 12volt ciggie lighter type charger. As mentioned they can be unreliable so may look at 'hardwiring' or getting a better 12volt plug connection.
3.In car DVD player - Will look into hardwiring it however thought it may draw too many amps. (im probably wrong though). Alternatively was looking at using the 12 volt in car charger available to charge it whilst it is not being watched. Once again will look into this one.
4 & 5 Stereo/HF and UHF - Will get these hardwired as suggested (tereo probably alerady is)
6. Phone Charger - Will just use the 12volt cigarette type charger supplied with the phone whilst driving. As mentioned wont get coverage in the deep bush out yonder so only needed around towns.
As for lights when camping, my camper trailer (yet to be purchased) will have 12 volt outlets to use.
Generator - was looking at the little Honda 4 stroke petrol generators to charge second and third battery for the days we dont do much driving. Was thinking of using it to charge laptop, phones etc when at
camp if need be.
Once again thanks for helping me with my queries. As you recommended,I am off to see a couple of Auto Electricians today to further clarify a few queries as to exact set up.