Tuesday, Mar 06, 2007 at 00:42
The Nissan 3.0 litre engine is measured in Japan using the Metric System of volumetric measurement.
We are geograpically very close to Japan and being very easy going people we accept the Japanese Metric System as given. On the other hand, the US Metric System is a different version of both the European Metric system AND the Japanese Metric System. Both of these systems are different in many aspects but are totally interchangebale with all of the Metric Systems in the Rest Of The World. These are known as Interchangeable Metric Systems (ROTW) - or IMSROTW for short.
The US Metric System is not directly interchangeable with either the Japanese Metric System, The European Metric System or The Rest Of The World Metric System.
The US Metric System is also known as USBMSTUS, which is an abbreviated form of " Useless, But Means Something To Us" and is about 15% out on IMSROTW. This "OUT" factor has a variation within itself when trying to convert anything. This "factor" can be plus or minus amount. The variation depends on whether the user of USBMSTUS is measuring an American Nissan Engine, an Australian Nissan Engine, a European Nissan engine or a Japanese Nissan engine or simply weighing flour for a sponge cake. As we here know, only one of these engines is really different to the others. Yes, thats' right, it's the Australian Nissan Engine isn't boys and girls, it's The Australian Nissan Engine! And why is this?
"Cos it's the only one that blows up!,,,,,,,,,,,so far,,,,,,,,
Now it seems the American Nissan Engine is now being measured by an Australian Metric System that has been brought out especially for 3.0 litre Nissan engines whereby Nissan refuse to fix the engine because it it blew up under a different metric system than the one under which it was manufactured - the Japanese Metric System.
Now add the "15%" USBMSTUS factor noted above and you get a "3.5 litre Nissan engine" that blows up in America!
Nissan wil refuse to fix these engines because they were sold as Japanese Metric Engines but the Americans have 15% added tp them to accomodate the US Gallon factor, which is also different to the rest of the worlds gallons, quarts, pints, pounds and tons and also different to the what the Rest Of The World Thinks About Dick Cheney. This results is too much oil being put into the engine when serviced, which in turn results in oil being unable to drain from the turbo fast enough to prevent oil carryover into the combustion chamber and WHAMMOOOBANNG!,,,,,,,,,,,,, and it's not Nissan's fault if the American use a different metric system to the rest of the world is it?
Follow Up By: Blaze - Tuesday, Mar 06, 2007 at 01:24
Tuesday, Mar 06, 2007 at 01:24
Geeze and I just thought it was a way of 3 litre Neeeesan owners trying to squeeze another 500ml out of their BOMBS LOL
Follow Up By: Member - John (Vic) - Tuesday, Mar 06, 2007 at 10:16
Tuesday, Mar 06, 2007 at 10:16
Didn't you forget the tag line again????
Bilbo - The intellectual Nissan metric conversion bloke
Or some such similar line???
By the way, Dick who??
Follow Up By: Member - Duncs - Tuesday, Mar 06, 2007 at 10:25
Tuesday, Mar 06, 2007 at 10:25
What you have written as an explanation for pure, unadulterated and pointless drivvle allows me to draw one of two conclulsions or maybe both are correct.
1) The Chevvysan is clearly faster than any of us have realised.
2) Time goes much slower in WA.
As I have typed this into the 'puter I realise that both must be true. Otherwise there is no way that you could afford to devote so much time to the clown who started this thread.
Follow Up By: Bilbo - Tuesday, Mar 06, 2007 at 12:00
Tuesday, Mar 06, 2007 at 12:00
Being retired has a lot to do with it,,,,,,,,,,
Bilbo - "I'll never work again hobbit"
Follow Up By: Bilbo - Tuesday, Mar 06, 2007 at 12:07
Tuesday, Mar 06, 2007 at 12:07
John Vic,
Nah mate, that's not "Dick Who", it's "Doctor Who" yer thinking of!
I have a TARDIS, one of his older models. That's why I can spend the whole 1.5 seconds typing out the drivel above,,,,,,,,,,,,
Bilbo - "the reTARDED hobbit"
Follow Up By: Member - Ian W (NSW) - Tuesday, Mar 06, 2007 at 19:46
Tuesday, Mar 06, 2007 at 19:46
The original thread had me totally confused, now thanks to your explanation I've forgotten what it was I was confused about.