Thursday, Mar 08, 2007 at 13:14
I have a camera set up on my truck and camper, so much of this doesn't apply to me anyway.
However, a couple of things you said don't make much sense to me ........
You mention:
1). "when some IDIOT is right up the rear of the van in the blind spot. They then pull out suddenly and we're expected to know they were there."
My question is, how come you were not aware they were in their (in your blind spot) in the 1st place. Surely you'd be aware of someone approaching from behind and then "disappearing" into your blind spot?
2). " Semi drivers are no better than most motorists, they too sit in the blind spot and pull out without warning which generally does not alolow us enough time to adjust our position on the road and pull further to the left."
Same thing with this point....... PLUS, if you have a blind spot big enough to swallow a semi trailer, then you REALLY do have a problem, me thinks!!!
Sorry, not trying to pick an's just that I was brought up to always "know" what was behind me. If you are aware someone has pulled into your blind spot, you automatically keep that in mind until they come out from it.
Semi drivers have the exact same problem, only more so.