Coleman Powerhouse
Submitted: Wednesday, Mar 14, 2007 at 16:34
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G'Day all,
finally upgraded old jackeroo to a powerhouse.
just learning to use it. Find the second burner bit fussy to light, and is it controlled by height of first one?
it doesnt seem to have a lot of control compared to main one, unless main up full, then secondary will turn down a bit easier.
Just interested in any operating tips, leave pressure in after use or vent?
best way to light and use other burner, is there a knack?
Wrap tank in a rag when inside box?
Any tips appreciated,
Reply By: Grandpa joe - Wednesday, Mar 14, 2007 at 17:32
Wednesday, Mar 14, 2007 at 17:32
G'day Ron,
Just upgraded from the smaller 424 model after almost ten years of reliable service to the powerhouse. My 424 still works great by the way, I just needed a little more space between the burners and decided to upgrade for the kitchen in the camper I am building.
Wrap the tank in a cloth or like I did, an old (
well washed) christmas ham bag when packed up and wipe out fat splatter regularly (with spay and wipe or something as gentle) a little spay of inox wiped over the inner and outer housing will keep it in good knick for many years to come.
I normally get pasta or liquids to the boil very quickly with the main burner, then move them to the secondary burner while simmering up some meat or the like on the main, that way the secondary is just used to keep a simmer or gentle boil while concentrating on the main burner (big steak YUMM!)
Put a wide diameter kettle or billy on the powerhouse and I doubt anything portable could boil it quicker! ( eliminating Oxy Acetalyne of course )
Hope this helps.
Reply By: Brew69(SA) - Wednesday, Mar 14, 2007 at 17:50
Wednesday, Mar 14, 2007 at 17:50
Ok another 424 owner but here goes...........
Find the second burner bit fussy to light, and is it controlled by height of first one?
it doesnt seem to have a lot of control compared to main one, unless main up full, then secondary will turn down a bit easier.
Just interested in any operating tips, leave pressure in after use or vent?......If transporting always vent the pressure.
best way to light and use other burner, is there a knack? Can't say I've had a problem. Main burner must be lit first. I usually pump up the pressure before lighting both burners because as you mentioned it will take from the main flame. In all my years of camping i very rarely have 2 burners going anyway.
Wrap tank in a rag when inside box? Yes and ensure its all tightly done up to avoid any leaks.
All in all dual fuel stoves are so much more superior to gas you won't ever regret the choice.
Reply By: Ron173 - Thursday, Mar 15, 2007 at 18:32
Thursday, Mar 15, 2007 at 18:32
Thanks for info, all seems fine with it.
cleaned off my stove top bbq plate with it and it seemed to have plenty heat.
I actually like the second burner being a lesser heat as I can
cook on one side of plate and move cooked stuff to other to keep hot while say cooking a steak a bit longer.
Seems pretty basically built, but solid and proven system, if a tad pricey.
Follow Up By: Brew69(SA) - Thursday, Mar 15, 2007 at 19:23
Thursday, Mar 15, 2007 at 19:23
Yeah it's pricey. Don't waste any more money using expensive fuel in it. ULP is all you need. And carry a spare pump(generator) $15 from rays. I've not replaced
mine but thats about all that can go wrong.
Follow Up By: Grandpa joe - Friday, Mar 16, 2007 at 19:12
Friday, Mar 16, 2007 at 19:12
I got my powerhouse a few weeks ago from the NSW coleman Service centre at Minchinbury hometown Syd. They are selling them as seconds, almost HALF price as the packaging they came in was torn or had a tiny dint. My one had a 15mm long dint in the bottom back edge but the powder coating wasn't even scratched.
I also purchased a coleman hot water on demand unit for $230.00 they threw in the shower kit, POL gas hose adaptor and a couple of $6 disposable canisters, not bad for stuff rejected by retail stores just because the packaging they came in looked a little shabby! There should be a Coleman service centre somewhere near you that are offering these great deals, they have every part for a coleman item that can be replaced for realistic prices. E.G. ........ Coleman dual fuel single burner lantern generator tube : $12.00 = lantern running like new hopefully for another 10 years.