Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 at 11:19
As said above, there's a heap of positives and little negative, depending on youir attitude.
"Barnesy", you've never struck me as "anal retentive", you seem to take things as they come, stay calm and like a good laugh - if that's the case, you'll slot straight in to
places like
Fitzroy Crossing etc. However, if one is easily shocked then one shouldn't stay in outback bush towns.
I reckon things may have changed since Willem was there, but there is still plenty of "local colour" to be had - pardon the pun,,,,,
Tips on dealing with our "original inhabitants":
If asked for money - don't say anything, just keep moving.
If not moving, just ignore the request.
If not ignored at this point, just shout as loud as you can - and I mean this "- F**K OFF!". It sounds rough but it works. Almost invariably, you are then speaking thier language. It works. Don't ever give 'em money. They'll always be back for more. Please note everybody, this is not meant to be mean spirited or racist, it's just the way it is out there. The ones that don't drink etc, rarely if ever ask for money and never on the street. The good ones will only ask you for money if you are good mates with 'em. I get it all the time 'cos I know a lot of 'em in the Goldfeilds. The drinkers, the ones that ask on the street, will just spend the money on grog etc. Men or women, they are all hard drinkers.
Don't get involved in any way in any arguments, shouting matches or fights on the street. Don't ever try and break up a fight, even if someones getting "maramalised" and there's blood and snot every where. You'll get dragged down into it and you'll get "marmalised"as
well. The police will get there & sort it out soon enough. Just keep walking.
Don't stand and stare at 'em like some tourist do. After all, you wouldn't stand at stare at white folks on the street would ya? So do do it to them. Just look at 'em as simply "other people going about thier lives". This applies more so if there's a dispute going on. You'll get dragged in as
Don't lend 'em anything such as
tools etc, unless you really don't want it. You'll never see it again. You may,often get a payback for your generosity later down the track. This is the way thier society works. Thier reasoning is - You wouldn't give it to 'em if you didn't need it, so if you don't need it then why take it back. Don't worry, they'll remember you when the chips are down and you're the one that needs help.
There are a lot of good aborogines out there. I've learnt a lot from 'em over the years. But be careful that you've picked the right ones to be friends with. Just like us "whiteys", there are some great people, some hopelessly lost people and a minority of dead set villains. I've been badly ripped off by some in that third category.
Stand back and enjoy the "Wild West Show" - you'll love it.
Bilbo - "The Honorary Tribal Yamatji Hobbit"
PS - The Yamatji bit is true by the way.
Follow Up By: Troopy22 - Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 at 16:44
Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 at 16:44
Everything that Bilbo says is right.
Just remember that, unlike southern Australia, the proportion of black fellas to white fellas is much higher and whereas you would have little contact down there, you have lots of contact up here - good and bad.
The only thing I would add is that if you don't already have a dog or two then get one.
Home security is usually an issue and a good guard dog will keep away unwelcome visitors.
Having lived in the
Kimberley for some years (and now the
Pilbara), I would say that you should give it a go. Northern Australia is a great place to live, the people are friendly, the fishing's terrific and you can
camp in a 1,000 different
places. It'll give you a heap of experiences you're unlikely to get in suburbia.
Follow Up By: Willem - Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 at 18:53
Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 at 18:53
Lots of sage advice there Mr Hobbit....:-))))
I htought you were on the road already(or are you???)
Follow Up By: kimprado - Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 at 19:54
Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 at 19:54
At last,
well balanced advice.
Follow Up By: Bilbo - Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 at 22:08
Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 at 22:08
I'm waiting for my wife, who went back to work as consultant to the WA Gov't after being retired for 4 years, to finish work! She went back just help out an old friend.
That should be about 10/4/07 - after that we're gone,,,,,,,,,,,If it's not too hot up there,,,,,,,,,
Bilbo - "The wimpy hobbit"
Follow Up By: Bilbo - Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 at 22:10
Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 at 22:10
Doozy of a typo this is,",,,,,,After all, you wouldn't stand at stare at white folks on the street would ya? So do do it to them.,,,,,,,,"
It should read, "Don't do it to them,,,,,,,"
Bilbo - "The stupid hobbit"
Follow Up By: Member - Davoe (Nullagine) - Wednesday, Mar 21, 2007 at 00:34
Wednesday, Mar 21, 2007 at 00:34
roads are open to all traffic now. They were cloed for almost a week.
Nullagine coppers rolled their troopie (lol)