wheel bearing tightening torque -GU Patrol

Submitted: Tuesday, Mar 27, 2007 at 08:59
ThreadID: 43679 Views:18071 Replies:2 FollowUps:3
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Hi there,

I need to re-pack my front wheel bearings on my Gu Patrol and would like to know if anyone knows the correct tightening procedure /values.

I've had a look at the Lonards website: www.lonards-automotives.com.au/patrol.html
(sorry I don't know how to insert link)

They mention to tighten to 30Nm first (to seat), back off and then re-tighten to 1.5kgm (~14.7Nm), to me the last value is a little high.

Any thoughts?
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Reply By: 3.0turbob - Tuesday, Mar 27, 2007 at 12:28

Tuesday, Mar 27, 2007 at 12:28
I'm at work at the moment and can't referance my Gregorys manual to give you the first higher torque, however I do remember that the second torque is only 3 to 5 Nm. I torqued mine to 5 Nm but I couldn't get the screw holes and the locking plate holes to line up so retorqued to approx 3.5 Nm and they lined up fine.There was a slight amount of play but I'm happy with that.

AnswerID: 230010

Follow Up By: Dingo77 - Tuesday, Mar 27, 2007 at 12:39

Tuesday, Mar 27, 2007 at 12:39
Thanks Rob,

I have to level with you all, I attempted the job (late last week) and also had issues with the lock washer screws so I had to be satisfied with 3 Nm.

After this I was wrapped as I found that my annoying wheel wobble was 95% gone but this morning I found that I had a slight pulsation when I braking.
I don't know if I'm being paranoid or what but I was concerned that the bearings were too loose causing disk thickness variation (DTV).
I wanted to get other peoples methods /ideas so I can re-do them differently.

If its ok with you Rob, I'd still like you to get back to me with the Gregories specs.

And everyone else please contribute (if you can), I would like to re-do the job this week.
FollowupID: 490803

Reply By: 3.0turbob - Tuesday, Mar 27, 2007 at 18:05

Tuesday, Mar 27, 2007 at 18:05
From the manual...........
Install the wheel bearing locknut and adjust the bearing preload as follows:
Tighten the locknut to 167 - 196 Nm, rotate the hub several times in each direction and then loosen the locknut until it can be turned by hand. Tighten the locknut to 3 - 5 Nm and again rotate the hub several times in each direction. Re tighten the lcknut and rotate sveral times in each direction.
It then says to check the effort required to start rotating the hub (wheel bearing pre-load) which is 0 - 18.6 N ( using a spring guage)

I hope this is of some help,

AnswerID: 230073

Follow Up By: Dingo77 - Wednesday, Mar 28, 2007 at 08:09

Wednesday, Mar 28, 2007 at 08:09
What did you do about the lock nut adapter?
I got mine made at work but I don't think it'll handle 167-196 Nm.
FollowupID: 490958

Follow Up By: 3.0turbob - Wednesday, Mar 28, 2007 at 15:38

Wednesday, Mar 28, 2007 at 15:38
I had mine made at work as well, 115mm length of tubular steel,( to clear the stub axle) with steel dowel pins in the end to engage the locknut,and a steel bar through the end of it (T handle style). I agree that 196 Nm is quite some force. I just did mine fairly hand tight, backed it off and then torqued it to between 3 & 5 Nm (wherever the screw went in) with a torque wrench from work that had a range from 0 - 20 Nm

FollowupID: 491064

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