Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 14:35
Thats pretty much about it Gdad. Our van is 1.4t and with the slightly saggy rear end of the Navara, we decided to do with the Airbags. However, not only were we concerned about the weight of the van but we also do a lot of camping and sometimes both on the same trip.
With the airbags (black type), 1 psi can support 32lbs (sorry imperial not metric)
and with a maximum inflation rate of 100 psi, I think the total support weight was somewhere around 5,500lbs. When they are fitted you have to remove the small rubber bump stop which sits exactly where the airbags require to go. So because this bump stop is removed the instructions say to always maintain at least 5psi in the airbags. We always carry our waeco, recovery gear, tools with us at all times so we decided to put in 10psi. I couldn't believe how much of a lift just this pressure gave us. Last weekend we put all our camping gear in with the 10psi and I couldn't measure the
suspension sag,it was that small. It works that
well that you are able to blow into the airline (before you connect the valve etc.) and just by blowing you can make the body rise.
We feel that this will more than satisfy our requirements so have decided to leave the front alone and see how we go. On that score we did some very difficult (for us) terrain with our 4wd club recently in the local high country and our standard vehicle went everywhere they did with no touches.
By the way we shopped around big time to get the best price on the airbags and finally decided on importing themselves through Truck Spring Co. of Michigan USA.
If you want there on line ordering website please let me know. For our car, the total cost was $490 and that included shipping to your door.
Cheers, Wayne :) ..... have a great