Microsoft Vista beware......

Submitted: Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 10:08
ThreadID: 43910 Views:2612 Replies:10 FollowUps:33
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New Laptop week before last, and had no choice but to get Microsoft Vista.

For those contemplating Vista, this is my summation after a week and a bit....

If you were going to buy it because it is:
More stable than XP......................NO
More compatible than XP.................NO- much worse
More user friendly than XP................NO
Easier to use than XP........................NO
Faster than XP................................... very definitely NO
Easier to "set up" than XP.......................NO
Easier Networking than XP......................... very definitely NO

"Prettier to look at" than XP...(begrudgingly) yes. Whoopie!
More features than XP..........(begrudgingly) yes.

BTW, had my guru son (software engineer) helping me out yesterday solving "issues" for about an hour and a half- solved a few, found a few more.
Eg: Still can't see other computers on the network most of the time. Still can't print on my network printer. Still can't run my preferred Antivirus programme. Still can't use my preferred Dvd burning program. etc etc etc

It just "crashed" half an hour ago during an attempted file transfer on the network, and after Ten minutes (unbelievable) of constant disk grinding trying to shut it down normally, I put it out of it's misery and powered it off.

Well done Microsoft! Outstanding job! Bloody brilliant. Highly recommended! (NOT) :-( :-(
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Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 10:37

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 10:37
Vista is a nightmare - welcome to last week.....

Format the machine and install XP, I've done 4 for mates that have bought new machines in last 3weeks! Easy and bug freeish.
AnswerID: 231188

Reply By: Member - Kiwi Kia - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 10:51

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 10:51
What brand laptop ?
AnswerID: 231191

Follow Up By: Mike Harding - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 11:24

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 11:24
Uniden? :)
FollowupID: 492104

Follow Up By: Member - Kiwi Kia - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 13:26

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 13:26
Good chuckle Mike :-))

I am not up with the play with Vista yet but with previous Microsoft releases it soon became evident that some brands had more problems then others, perhaps a trend may become evident.
FollowupID: 492127

Follow Up By: Member - JohnR (Vic)&Moses - Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 08:25

Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 08:25
Yeh, Mike, probably spot on :-))))))) Who's a goat then? :)))))
FollowupID: 492277

Reply By: Camoco - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 12:36

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 12:36
I have just seen the same content and wording on another forum.
Makes me wonder whether this is just Microsoft bashing or is in fact real.

I spent 12 or so years in IT and cannot believe MS would release such a poor product. Granted they think they are better than everyone else and can do no wrong and also think they are giving the consumer waht they want but in reality they are too large to really have any idea what the average Joe Blow wants or needs.
I have seen quite a few "reviews" on Vista since it's official release and very little of it relates to the "experiences" of the beta versions.

I admit I have not become a Vista user nor am I inclinded to soon. I am running various versions of Windows, Linux, Dos etc on my systems and am happy to stay that way. I was anti-XP for a while but since SP2 it's been fine.

I think if the public responses are indicative of the product, Microsoft may well come unglued bigtime. Roll on linux!!!! (unfortunately linux is not supported by any of the engineering software I currently use) But I can wait.

Cheers Cam
AnswerID: 231210

Follow Up By: Member - John (Vic) - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 13:09

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 13:09
There has been quite a few eye opening reviews in a few of the financial papers of late on this subject.

The IT writers who in my view normally call it as they see it and call it pretty well at that have expressed huge disappointment in Vista and say its a very poor product compared to XP.

So it seems the experience across a range of people is quite negative.
Interesting times I think for MS in the near future.
VKS737 - Mobile 6352 (Selcall 6352)

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FollowupID: 492119

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 13:21

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 13:21
>> I spent 12 or so years in IT and cannot believe MS would release such a poor product

You must have been out of IT for a long time to believe that. Maybe Vista will be ok by SP2 too.. I think that will be next friday LMAO
FollowupID: 492124

Follow Up By: Camoco - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 16:25

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 16:25
Nah, I've been out for about two years full time but it was meant to be a bit tongue in cheek :). (Always in it part time though. Aren't we all?)

I got sick of the tripe MS and the rest were serving up and had to keep working out ways to fix their stuff ups. Their mess their fix I now reckon.
I'll stick to mechanical stuff now where if it's broken then 1. you can see it and 2. you can fix it (or change it).

But really, if you had the money, power & influence that MS does and your future was riding on such a product (as it often is), wouldn't you be just a bit careful on what you "give" your clients/customers?

Five years ago I thought Linux was going to be an MS killer but it hasn't happended yet. XP was the saviour for them at that time. I expect Vista might be the opposite.

Cheers Cam
FollowupID: 492156

Follow Up By: Flash - Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 07:42

Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 07:42
Quote,"I have just seen the same content and wording on another forum.
Makes me wonder whether this is just Microsoft bashing or is in fact real."

Hmmm. What can I say. Shock-Horror- yes I DID post it on a couple of other forums. You read more than one forum- I post on more than one forum- is that against the law???

How's this- Ignore what I've offered as ADVICE, (You know.......... to help people) and go and get YOUR own brand new copy of Vista and have YOUR own fun, bashing YOUR head against a wall and hours on the phone to an Indian person on a scratchy phone line (support) who in some cases knows less than the caller does.

Let me know how you go!

Bloody hell- why did I bother.
FollowupID: 492257

Follow Up By: Flash - Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 07:56

Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 07:56
And in case you're confused I've typed this on my mates work computer (he pointed your post out to me) so it's logged in his name, but you get the message anyway. David here, not Scott!
FollowupID: 492264

Follow Up By: Member - Kiwi Kia - Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 08:36

Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 08:36
Bring back CPM :-)) Beat MS hands down in those days.
FollowupID: 492282

Follow Up By: Camoco - Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 09:18

Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 09:18
Please don't take offence. I am not admonishing your advice. On the contrary, I can well believe what you say and if it is the case for most users, then it is very worrying.

I am glad you posted the info. I just got a bit "defused" when I read the post elsewhere (as we do have the right to read as much as possible) and it was word for word. I was hoping it was not just another MS bash with no justification.

Now you have clarified the origin of the info I am more likely to heed your warnings. You have to admit that MS bashing is common (and rightly so) but the way you presented your advice looked just like the all too common "at a recent comdex convention" MS bash article that is meant to funny (and is but too old now). That just means your post looked too good to be true :)
Please continue to be "bothered" about posting these issues. Even if some don't like it, others will.

By the way, of all the forums I read, this is 95% of my reading. The other 5% just gives a bit of balance.

Through the recent Vista "reports" we have read, I am not in a hurry to rush out and get a copy. Not that I do that sort of thing anyway.

Cheers Cam
FollowupID: 492292

Reply By: Member - Bentaxle - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 12:46

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 12:46
Go to this siteThis guy is scathing regards Vista
May the fleas of a thousand afghan camels infect the crutch of your enemy and may their arms be too short to scratch.

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AnswerID: 231214

Follow Up By: Member - John (Vic) - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 13:10

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 13:10
What site???
VKS737 - Mobile 6352 (Selcall 6352)

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FollowupID: 492120

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 13:22

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 13:22
EO john.. lol
FollowupID: 492125

Follow Up By: Member - Bentaxle - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 13:23

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 13:23
Sorry about that- "Seniors moment"

Site is
May the fleas of a thousand afghan camels infect the crutch of your enemy and may their arms be too short to scratch.

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FollowupID: 492126

Follow Up By: Member - John (Vic) - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 13:30

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 13:30
Seniors moment may be still present I think??? :-)

That link takes you to a Financial Advisor's site in the USA???

Try again?
VKS737 - Mobile 6352 (Selcall 6352)

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FollowupID: 492130

Follow Up By: Member - Bentaxle - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 17:46

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 17:46
I couldn't locate the link but here is what he says about Vista

"Whatever You Do: Don't Buy Vista!

Worried about PC privacy? Lookng for increased reliability and greater security? Then don't buy Microsoft's new, heavily hyped operating system, called Vista, or any computer that comes with it.
Vista includes an array of "features"that make your computer less reliable, less stable and slower. These so called features also cause compatability problems with other programmes. If these features offered some corresponding benefit, perhaps this tradeoff would be worth it. But they don't. They're designed to make certain that you're not violating any of what are called'"digital rights management"(DRM) features built into Vista.
What is going on? It's been five years since Microsoft introduced Windows XP why isn't Vista a faster, safer and more secure operating system.
Blame Hollywood. Most of these "features" were inserted intoVista at the behest of the entertainment industry. Basically, what Microsoft has done is to add what amounts to copy protection technologyfor certain media formats. If you want the highest quality output possible from these formats, you'll need to use peripheral devices that have comparable copy protection built-in. Otherwise, you'll see blurred images of your game, movie or the output may be blocked altogether.
A substantial incentive of Vista software is to essentially keep tabs on you. The good folks at Microsoft want to make certain you're not using "protected media"in any way prohibited by you're license agreements. (You do read all your license agreements, don't you). It's not a huge surprise to learn that this overhead slows down your PC considerablty.
Do you live in an area subject to a less than perfect electricity supply? Too bad, Vista can interpret slight voltage variations as a hacker attack and automatically restart your PC. Hacker have already taken advantage of this fact to design exploits that subtly alter voltages or other parameters to trigger these DRM features, thereby disabling targeted PCs. (Think of the military implications this kind of attack on a military target).
What can you do to protect yourself? The most important thing to do is NOT to purchase Vista or a Vista equipped machine. This won't be easy, because as with Windows NT, Microsoft is bundling Vista with PC manufacturers so that it will become increasingly difficult not to use it. Moreover, even if you don't use Vista, you'll wind up against Vista's DRM measures in your PC peripherals design and manufacture two different versions of their products.
One thing's for sure: Vista's DRM features are so obnoxious that I predict millions of users will wind up disabling it (and thereby breaking the law) simply to play their own legitimately aquired digital media.And that may, finally, persuade Hollywood to break their unholy alliance with Microsoft. Time will tell
MARK NESTMANN, Privacy Expert & President of tThe Nestmann Group"
May the fleas of a thousand afghan camels infect the crutch of your enemy and may their arms be too short to scratch.

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FollowupID: 492169

Follow Up By: Member - JohnR (Vic)&Moses - Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 08:20

Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 08:20
There are plenty of people out in the world who don't even use electronic media and resist that. They have sites that say that too.

Get a life guys. It took me a few months to appreciate XP over Win2k but Vista, is stable, and works well with most of the software I use.
FollowupID: 492273

Follow Up By: Member - 'Lucy' - Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 09:49

Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 09:49

Would that be :

How to milk a cow Ver 1.2 (1960)

Efficient fence post erection Ver 6 (1972)

Effective Draft Dodging Techniques Ver 1 (1965)

Abba Appreciation Club Ver 3 + (SP2 for costume changes)

How to change the oil in the Fergie (Ver.5)

How to keep a wife in line - naked, barefoot and in the kitchen (Ver

How to deal with Cow Chit effectively (Ver2)

How to make Effective Sparrow traps (Ver 7,000,000)

Fly Eradication Techniques for the Revolutionary Farmer (Vista Compatible)

How to milk a cow by hand in 60 Seconds (Martha Gardener Ver 1)

Soothing Music To milk Cows by - Vera Lynn Special ripped to MP3

Clean up the Dairy to Glenn Miller and his Band - ripped to MP3

Yes! Vista would have no trouble with these little doozies .

Ooops! forgot -

A loosers dream - how to keep a Nissan in R-Worthy condition (Ver12 )

Yep! good old Vista rides again.

By the way, shouldn't you be somewhere else at the moment watching cricket.



Moses has just got himself a new HP Tablet that come with Vista and thats why he is waxing all things wonderful re same.
FollowupID: 492308

Follow Up By: Member - JohnR (Vic)&Moses - Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 10:50

Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 10:50
Ms Lucy, next time I see you, I will be told no doubt that you aren't into fabricating evidence from your imagination. LOL

Cricket at the end of the month. Finals!

Hope I get good wireless cover and can keep on top of your rantings on EO. Hence new hardware. Should have phone cover too, so you can rubbish CDMA to your hearts content. Pour it over Jeep on the rocks in a Carribean cocktail. Better be a short glass or the Jeep wouldn't get out
FollowupID: 492560

Follow Up By: Member - 'Lucy' - Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 11:16

Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 11:16
Settle! Moses Settle!

Enjoy the cricket and almost forgot Vista.

You are very lucky of course living within cooee of the 'Minister for anything and everything'.

The Capt'n of all things Nissan and Vista, whom you can use as the local Vista 'help desk''

(ROFLMAO) You two cow country clowns make my day every day.
FollowupID: 492564

Reply By: Skiddy - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 14:15

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 14:15
I changed to Mac about 4 months ago and best thing I ever did. It dual boots with windows so if I ever come across something that wont run on Mac I switch to windows. Funny thing though the IT guy here at work says it runs Microsoft office faster and more stable than any of the PC's.
AnswerID: 231235

Follow Up By: tricatic - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 19:34

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 19:34
I changed to Mac 3 years ago and I agree with you, it was a very good move.
FollowupID: 492189

Follow Up By: Member - Jay Gee (WA) - Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 14:42

Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 14:42
We have a mix of everything at home. Windows2000, WindowsXP, Vista, and a MAC. They all happily communicate with each over - even the VISTA - but my wife is regretting VISTA.

I've had the Mac for almost 2 years and reckon it's great. I've even got "Office for Mac" so I can still run WORD and EXCEL.

I also prefer MAC - and the only reason I still need WINDOWS is to run OziExplorer and Windows "Money" for our banking. As soon as can afford to get "dual booting" then I won't need windows at all.
FollowupID: 492358

Follow Up By: Wombat - Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 13:12

Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 13:12

Are you running Boot Camp or Parallels to enable the second operating system?
FollowupID: 492580

Reply By: greydemon - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 15:24

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 15:24
Here is another site (BBC) which reports a few worrying issues with Vista....
AnswerID: 231257

Reply By: Mr Fawlty - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 17:10

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 17:10
So...... the challenge seems to be who can keep their computer running on XP. I've seen XP at the computer fairs in an original box going for a song. I guess it depends on how desperate the need is for us to upgrade or in fact if you can get a new machine to run XP. I'm running an older version of XP with no problems at all. I guess if I wanted the latest gaming software to run on it I may have problems but I use it for a bit of CAD work, working with digital pictures, diggitally remastering records onto CD's and of course posting on web fora such as this one. I support myself with AVG antivirus Pro ( the free one is as good) with the AVG firewall and "internet security". Curiously I don't get the viral attacks that Sybil gets on her Toshiba laptop with all the latest and greatest fully licenced AV software that seems to let about 3 viruses a week get onto her machine requiring her to be "eternally vigilant". NO I'm not allowed to put the AVG stuff on the laptop...
AnswerID: 231271

Follow Up By: disco1942 - Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 14:41

Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 14:41
Since XP has been withdrawn by M$ computer fair prices have risen - if you want a new copy be quick.

Retired radio and electronics technician

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FollowupID: 492595

Reply By: Pajman Pete (SA) - Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 18:10

Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 18:10
My son sells Vista and has told me to stay with XP unless I am willing to upgrade to a minimun of 1Gb RAM and a fast processor and video card.

Any mug can be uncomfortable out bush

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AnswerID: 231283

Reply By: Member - Bucky (VIC) - Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 04:37

Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 04:37
Suprise Suprise !

Guess what, you will probably have to buy a heap of " fixes ", or new hardware for your new computer, to get it up and running properly.

And guess what #2, no body told you that this would happen

And guess what #3, Microsoft own most the hardware mamnufacturers

And guess what #4, all AMD chips ( ie, the opposition ) will have continual glitches,, gee I wonder why ?

Just remember that XP was a piece of crap, for the first 2 years after its release..
I stuck with 2000 Pro ,,, Beautiful networking system and in a lot of ways still far superior to the lot ..

Cheers Mate

AnswerID: 231341

Follow Up By: Member - JohnR (Vic)&Moses - Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 08:15

Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 08:15
Oh Bucky, where did you get these gems?

"And guess what #2, no body told you that this would happen" Of course they did, conspiracy theories abound here......

"And guess what #3, Microsoft own most the hardware mamnufacturers "??????????

"And guess what #4, all AMD chips ( ie, the opposition ) will have continual glitches,, gee I wonder why ?" ????????

What claptrap.

I am looking forward to getting the rest of my data across to my new Vista systemed HP laptop with an AMD processor. I am not the only EO member with them and the experience of using them.
FollowupID: 492271

Follow Up By: Member - Bucky (VIC) - Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 11:57

Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 11:57

You gotta love this,,,computer glitches always wind up a lot of good people

If you don't get shafted one way ,,, you get it another

Clap Trap ? ,,,, Maybe so ,, but I spend a lot of time fixiing these so called glitches for mates,,,and for unexplained reasons the glitches keep coming back.
Makes me wonder ?

I used to be a speed freek ( geek ) so I stayed with AMD ,,,, and go ta lot of problems,,
Never mind,,, I changed over to a full Intel system, and what do you know, most of ( not all ) my glitches have disappeared..
Maybe run a little slower but its reasonable,,
I can live with that !
But what I cannot understand is that when Mr Gates and his team do something new, it seems to take a very long time to get everything correct,, that alone downloading countless fixes, for this bit of hardware, or this bit of software

Keep clicking away ,, I'm sure everyone will be contented one day

Cheers Mate

FollowupID: 492328

Follow Up By: Member - Bucky (VIC) - Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 11:57

Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 11:57

You gotta love this,,,computer glitches always wind up a lot of good people

If you don't get shafted one way ,,, you get it another

Clap Trap ? ,,,, Maybe so ,, but I spend a lot of time fixiing these so called glitches for mates,,,and for unexplained reasons the glitches keep coming back.
Makes me wonder ?

I used to be a speed freek ( geek ) so I stayed with AMD ,,,, and go ta lot of problems,,
Never mind,,, I changed over to a full Intel system, and what do you know, most of ( not all ) my glitches have disappeared..
Maybe run a little slower but its reasonable,,
I can live with that !
But what I cannot understand is that when Mr Gates and his team do something new, it seems to take a very long time to get everything correct,, that alone downloading countless fixes, for this bit of hardware, or this bit of software

Keep clicking away ,, I'm sure everyone will be contented one day

Cheers Mate

FollowupID: 492329

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 16:23

Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 16:23
If its that model tablet, I'd get my $ back yesterday.. As I said on MSN, we had 100% failure rate on these... True flimsy crap.
We swapped them for the Panasonic Toughbook.. the sales man demoed them by THROWING it on the ground, puicking up, logging on, doing the demo, then while on threw it on floor again, and picked up and kept working.

FollowupID: 492382

Follow Up By: Member - JohnR (Vic)&Moses - Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 22:43

Tuesday, Apr 03, 2007 at 22:43
Bruce, interesting you post a post with a Panasonic and the comment positive to Vista despite your earlier comments about it. I don't know that particular laptop at all, so it's the HP that caused grief? I don't want to carry 4Kg laptops everywhere I go.

Try this for difference

Bucky I played round with different operating systems including Apple DOS, CPM, MS DOS and its' spinnoffs, Gem operating systems, Linux, and all versions of Windoz since the trials of 1, used 3.0 and 3.11, 95, 98, Win2K, XP, home and Pro. Theer are some little nags I don't like - the constand HP screen that wants me to sign up for internet is a bitch. This isn't the first AMD processor either, it seems stable with the OS. If I think your criticism goes beyond the pale, I will say so, I have always been known as a straight shooter. I am comfortable that the OS is normally set up for Intel, but interesting to see the endorsements from AMD now :-)
FollowupID: 492502

Follow Up By: Member - Bucky (VIC) - Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 07:42

Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 07:42

You see,, I have been around a bit too, thats not an issue

What amazes me is,, that if ask 6 people about which is best you will invariably get 7 or 8 conflicting answers
Bit like which is the best 4x4 ,,,

Did you ever get down to Frankston in the mid 80's to the Computer Meetings in the Mechanics hall..???

Gr8 learning place,, I had a Tandy Coco 3, with 5 1/4 disk drives, and an upgraded Ram ( 128 I think or was it 256 ) that I had set up myself ,,,with a little help. It was a real wiz-banger

Mates had Commodores

There were Amiga's ( ?)
Very few MS DOS based systems, as they were considered unstable, and overpriced.

And Best of all there was Os9 level 2, which by the way was an off shute of Linux, but don't quote me on that ..

Cheers Mate

FollowupID: 492535

Follow Up By: Member - JohnR (Vic)&Moses - Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 09:42

Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 09:42
Geez mate, I don't worry about windups and differing opinions. Diversity promotes interest in all ways including on computers.

Frankston...........? No mate, I am a Western Victorian lad, never had Amigas, or TRS80 though mate had a drafting setup for lambs that detected weight of lambs and directed them accordingly. I had an extended memory card in the Apple that had 512kb of RAM aboard. Some could be used as extended memory by programs like Appleworks, other could be used as a fast disk access. Wow, just think 120kb disks!

300 bits a second was fast too for the modem. Dialing into Austpac for data transfer, was S S L L O O W W w. Used a couple of different email systems back in the 80s too. One was based in Richmond I remember, off-hand can't remember what it was called. Agridata was another one I trialled for the VFGA as it was called then.

I can remember people hitting out at Bill Gates when we bought our first MSDOS system. Was sold DRDos but that had compatibility problems
FollowupID: 492549

Follow Up By: Member - JohnR (Vic)&Moses - Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 11:08

Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 11:08
Tha nag screen was scheduled and now deleted. HP online help, helped.
FollowupID: 492561

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 14:34

Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 14:34
>>> I don't want to carry 4Kg laptops everywhere I go.

The Toughbooks are not 4kg... they are 2.2kg and brilliant..

And as for Vista, thats part of the image I pasted in, not my choice.. I work for a multi national - they have no intention of going Vista - says something really..

I'm working on a toughbook now, although the keyboards suck as do all tablet/non pc's imho... but you can plug in a USB, and get a docking station, but defeats the purpose for me.

The onscreen keyboard works, as does the pen for signing for confirmation, but yea, gimme a PC anyday!

Site Link

On the processor gig, Ive only ever had 1 Pentium, that was a P100.. always Cyrix, or AMD...
FollowupID: 492592

Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 14:29

Wednesday, Apr 04, 2007 at 14:29
Cursor! Hackers penetrate Vista's defences
April 4, 2007 - 1:33PM

Microsoft has released an emergency security patch to plug a hole in several versions of Windows - including Vista, which the software maker has touted as its most secure operating system ever.

Microsoft was so worried about the hole - which allowed hackers to break into personal computers and install malicious software - that it pushed out the critical security fix a week ahead of a regularly scheduled update.

Thesoftware company told customers last Thursday about a vulnerability in ".ani" files, which are used to change the cursor into an hourglass while a program works, or into a dancing animal or other animation on specially designed web sites.

Security experts said the hole was actively being exploited by hackers to install keystroke-logging programs.

Ken Dunham, director of the rapid response team at iDefense, the research division of VeriSign Inc., said a group of Chinese hackers was using the security hole to steal and sell log-ins to the popular World of Warcraft multiplayer computer game.

Microsoft said it has known about the vulnerability since December.

Users surfing the web were the first targets, security experts said.

The Microsoft patch "will be a significant milestone in this attack," Dunham said.

However, as businesses take time to test and implement the patch, and consumers delay downloading it, hackers will still be at work.

Customers whose Windows computers are not set to automatically install critical patches can download the security update, MS07-017, from Microsoft's web site.

AnswerID: 231633

Follow Up By: Member - Bucky (VIC) - Thursday, Apr 05, 2007 at 04:40

Thursday, Apr 05, 2007 at 04:40
Makes me wonder if Bill, and his " crew " are actually writing the virus' ,,MMMMMMMMMMMMMMnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmm

Mate has an Apple, and from what he says Virus' are not a problem,,

Any coments ,,!!!

FollowupID: 492724

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