Monday, Apr 02, 2007 at 17:46
I couldn't locate the link but here is what he says about Vista
"Whatever You Do: Don't Buy Vista!
Worried about PC privacy? Lookng for increased reliability and greater security? Then don't buy Microsoft's new, heavily hyped operating system, called Vista, or any computer that comes with it.
Vista includes an array of "features"that make your computer less reliable, less stable and slower. These so called features also cause compatability problems with other programmes. If these features offered some corresponding benefit, perhaps this tradeoff would be worth it. But they don't. They're designed to make certain that you're not violating any of what are called'"digital rights management"(DRM) features built into Vista.
What is going on? It's been five years since Microsoft introduced Windows XP why isn't Vista a faster, safer and more secure operating system.
Blame Hollywood. Most of these "features" were inserted intoVista at the behest of the entertainment industry. Basically, what Microsoft has done is to add what amounts to copy protection technologyfor certain media formats. If you want the highest quality output possible from these formats, you'll need to use peripheral devices that have comparable copy protection built-in. Otherwise, you'll see blurred images of your game, movie or the output may be blocked altogether.
A substantial incentive of Vista software is to essentially keep tabs on you. The good folks at Microsoft want to make certain you're not using "protected media"in any way prohibited by you're license agreements. (You do read all your license agreements, don't you). It's not a huge surprise to learn that this overhead slows down your PC considerablty.
Do you live in an area subject to a less than perfect electricity supply? Too bad, Vista can interpret slight voltage variations as a hacker attack and automatically restart your PC. Hacker have already taken advantage of this fact to design exploits that subtly alter voltages or other parameters to trigger these DRM features, thereby disabling targeted PCs. (Think of the military implications this kind of attack on a military target).
What can you do to protect yourself? The most important thing to do is NOT to purchase Vista or a Vista equipped machine. This won't be easy, because as with Windows NT, Microsoft is bundling Vista with PC manufacturers so that it will become increasingly difficult not to use it. Moreover, even if you don't use Vista, you'll wind up against Vista's DRM measures in your PC peripherals design and manufacture two different versions of their products.
One thing's for sure: Vista's DRM features are so obnoxious that I predict millions of users will wind up disabling it (and thereby breaking the law) simply to play their own legitimately aquired digital media.And that may, finally, persuade Hollywood to break their unholy alliance with Microsoft. Time will tell
MARK NESTMANN, Privacy Expert & President of tThe Nestmann Group"
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