swivel housing

Submitted: Sunday, Apr 15, 2007 at 19:12
ThreadID: 44344 Views:1386 Replies:1 FollowUps:1
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allo gang

has anyone had their swivel housing hard chromed. i have to get mine done and was hoping someone on teh formus would point me in teh right direction as to who would do this in melbourne. knida want a company that has done this sort of thing before and if one of you could say they where happy with the job.

oh its for a 60 series hj 60

cheers gra
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Reply By: lindsay - Sunday, Apr 15, 2007 at 21:35

Sunday, Apr 15, 2007 at 21:35
I would try 4 wheel drives 304 Middleborough Rd Blackburn South in Melb.
Ph 03 98900509. They used to have a changeover service for Landrover swivel housings, don't know if they still have, but might steer you in the right direction.
AnswerID: 233644

Follow Up By: mcgra (VIC) - Monday, Apr 16, 2007 at 01:45

Monday, Apr 16, 2007 at 01:45
cheers will call them
FollowupID: 494561

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