Diff locks

Submitted: Saturday, Apr 19, 2003 at 17:21
ThreadID: 4458 Views:2115 Replies:6 FollowUps:17
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Hope some of you can help me with this one. As a lot of people on this forum have had more than one 4by, I'd like to ask if anyone has had both types of difflock, Air operated and fixed lockrite types, perhaps in different vehicles, and (this is the real question) decided to go with the fixed type instead of air type in their next vehicle? If some of you have could you please reply with some pros and cons. I know that the airlocker/lockrite question has been done to death over time but this is slightly different.
thanks All,
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Reply By: relaxed (Fraser Coas - Saturday, Apr 19, 2003 at 22:57

Saturday, Apr 19, 2003 at 22:57
Wayne, you might like to pick your self up a copy of the latest 4wd Monthly magizine. They have done a comparo of all the diff locks available on the market together with the pros and cons of each.
AnswerID: 17939

Follow Up By: Brian - Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 09:57

Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 09:57
Hi Relaxed... I read with baited breath the article on diff locks... found it quite informative to a novice like me... however... they really didn't give a definitive verdict. I felt quite dissappointed by this! I mean... I understand theres "horses-for-courses" but I thought they may have done a little less "fence-sitting"...
FollowupID: 11255

Follow Up By: Wayne - Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 12:31

Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 12:31
Thanks Relaxed.
i'll try to get a copy when I get home (away at the moment) I've had a look at "http://www.pps.net.au/4wdencounter/articles/difflocks.html" One of Skips 4WD Encounters pages. Which may have something for Brian to look at. just trying to work out if anyone has decided to go "back" to Lockrite style after having had Airlockers and why.
FollowupID: 11257

Follow Up By: Member - Cocka - Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 13:46

Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 13:46
I subscribe to the mag and what you say about fence sitting is correct Brian. It happens in many articles they review. Maybe they don't want to tread on toes because that's the way it seems. The articles are good but inconclusive, it's a real pitty when they go to so much trouble. Choice magazine pulls no punches in their reviews and always gives you a best buy and down result which, as you allude to, is what people want. It makes for good competition and improved products and give you confidence in the review. We still make our choices according to our needs and finances.
I'll write to 4X4 Monthly and see what they say rather than just sitting here and just bagging them. Carpe Diem
FollowupID: 11260

Follow Up By: Wayne - Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 14:28

Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 14:28
Thanks Cocka I'll have to get the Missus to grab me a copy and have a squiz when I get home.
FollowupID: 11261

Reply By: Matt M - Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 13:56

Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 13:56
Cmon guys!!

What do you want them to do?? Actually make the descision for you?

They did a comprehensive review of all the major lockers available and even got them on the same basic configuration of vehicles so YOU can see what the differences are!

There are differences and are all suited to different applications. You need to decide from their information and testing what suits your needs and then make your descision as to which to buy!

They showed how each one performs, the relative costs and the advantages and dissadvabtages, so what more do you want?

From that you can see what they do and if it will suit you vehicle and if you can afford it!

Eg, from that I can see that I would love Air lockers front and rear!! IF I COULD AFFORD THAT!! But I have a good LSD in the read already, good for on and offroad, but had limitations offroad, so why not just fit a Lockrite in the front that wont effect the on road ability of my veh and will double the offroad ability instantly!!

See you can think for your selves!
AnswerID: 17955

Follow Up By: Wayne - Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 14:36

Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 14:36
Thanks Matt,
I'm not looking for someone to make a decision for me. I'm trying to see if somone who has had both types of difflocks has subsequenty decicded to use the Lockrite type on their next 4wd. And if so why? I'm hoping the answers will help me to work out what I might fit to my Hilux. It sounds like the article that has been mentioned above may have some info that will be of use to me. Although what I'm really after is some firsthand experiences to draw from.
FollowupID: 11262

Follow Up By: Matt M - Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 15:25

Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 15:25
OK Wayne, if you own a Hilux the first problem of availablity is gone, you know you get any of these you need! If the Locker for the front or the back and how much are youlooking at spending?

If you want it for the back then I would think twice about fitting an Auto locker if you do alot of onroad driving. Admit they have come along way and if you listen to the retailers the lockrites can ride well on road! I havent driven a lockrite on road but the detroits are a no go! They are loud and can and do loch and spear you out of corners and roundabouts.

If you can afford the cost then the Air lockers are the way to go for the rear, you can switch and lose all the disadvantages of the auto lockers!

But if its for the front then I would think strongly about the lockrite, its there and you can fit and forget. With the hilux being a conventional 4x4 ie no centre diff lock, you dont drive onroad in 4x4. So you only lock in the front diff when you are offroad, so you can have an auto locker there.

The article will outline the pros and cons and Im sure you will be able to deduce from there what best suits your needs and budget!

Goodluck and enjoy!
FollowupID: 11263

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 16:14

Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 16:14

Why bother to do a comparison if your not going to state which is better?

The people at the magazines are "SUPPOSED" to be the experts, Pros, Gurus.. But they are weak as wet dunny paper..

Scared to say anything bad about anything incase they lose advertising $$..

Air lockers are the go without doubt.. You tell them when you want to use them, and when you dont.
FollowupID: 11267

Follow Up By: Matt M - Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 21:34

Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 21:34
Again, I dont think there any "conspiracy therories" here the article quite plainly states at the end that is a descision that needs to be made taking into account YOUR preferences.
The final satement covers, if you have the dough, fit air-lockers, if you dont need to turn them off fit auto lockers, both performed the same its the onroad that makes the difference!
It is a comparison and I think they did a fair comparison so you as the ready can see OBJECTIVELY how they perform side-by-side. Whether that suits your needs or not?? How the hell would they know what your individual needs are, I think thats where they supply the info and we relate to ourselves and then make our descision.
As someone who enjoys reading these magazines and then getting out there using my 4x4 and has no other personal interests in the magazine, I find it a little disturbing that people would stoop to verbal bashing for no reason at all. Make a point, for sure, but make it relevent!!
FollowupID: 11278

Follow Up By: Wayne - Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 21:58

Sunday, Apr 20, 2003 at 21:58
Thanks Truckster and Matt for your replies.
We seem to have strayed a bit from my original query though.
In short "I'm trying to see if somone who has had both types of difflocks has subsequenty decided to use the Lockrite type on their next 4wd. And if so why? " I gather from your input that airlockers are the go if you can run to the money? I will defininitely get a hold of the article in question and have a read of it. Damn, wish I was home so I could check it out myself!
Many thanks for taking the time to help me out.
FollowupID: 11285

Follow Up By: desert - Thursday, Apr 24, 2003 at 10:43

Thursday, Apr 24, 2003 at 10:43
You've got to be joking Mat. They did not even come close to addressing the DOWN side to each unit, the disadvantages of each against the next, nor did they consider front lockers seperately or in combination. It was only a partial comparo and I think a copu out that has let a lot of readers down. Good, but could have been better!!
FollowupID: 11457

Reply By: Brian - Monday, Apr 21, 2003 at 08:56

Monday, Apr 21, 2003 at 08:56
Geeze.... didn't I start something here..... BUT you guys are to be commended 'cos every other forum page I have ever looked at on the net has a tendency to degenerate the forum into a mud slinging/name-calling "anonomous argument" and that seems not too have occurred here... Whilst I understand everyones point of view on the Diff lock article, I was a tad dissappointed to find at the end of the article they side stepped the "verdict" almost totally. Yes I agree that the article is to highlight the pros and cons of various lockers, yes I agree that at the end the purchaser should make his/her own mind up and yes I agree that that we all should think for ourselves... but just about every other comparo they have done, (the many I have read so far anyway) has ended with a verdict that leans to one product...the one they think is best! These guys are supposed to be the experts and we as magazine readers obviously pay attention to their opinion. I know I do! I am a novice 4X4'er and have learnt much to date from Australian 4X4 Monthly, (I learnt about Diff Locks this month!) and will continue to read it as (in my opinion) its the best value for money monthly magazine. Thats the "verdict" of my "comparo" ..... and I ain't "fence-sitting" on that one!!!! LOL!
Have a great day and get dirty guys!!!!!!!!!!!!
AnswerID: 18000

Reply By: Member - Royce- Monday, Apr 21, 2003 at 21:41

Monday, Apr 21, 2003 at 21:41
I haven't got both... but if it's any help... I can recommend the lockrite difflocks. I have them on the back. This means that most of the time I don't even need 4wd! Sometimes a clunk when turning slowly in a carpark, but otherwise nothing different to driving. I see the bonus is that you don't have to play with them when you need them, they are just there! Cheers RoyceRoyce www.funshow.com.au
AnswerID: 18046

Follow Up By: Wayne - Tuesday, Apr 22, 2003 at 20:50

Tuesday, Apr 22, 2003 at 20:50
Hi Royce,
I have to say I'm certainly getting some help from you all on this! So many questions to find answers for, front or back or both? Autos or Air? A combination of both? It just goes on. Well half the fun is working it out I suppose.
Thanks for your help,
FollowupID: 11374

Reply By: Tony James - Tuesday, Apr 22, 2003 at 16:47

Tuesday, Apr 22, 2003 at 16:47
Hi Wayne,
I have a LockRite in the front of my part time 80 and an air locker in the rear.

Love the LockRite, they're great in the front of part time 4x4's.

When it came time for a rear locker, I couldn't find anyone I knew with a rear auto locker to test drive, so after hearing so many stories of clunks and skips caused by rear auto lockers, I went air.

If I can test drive a rear auto locker and find it OK to drive on sealed surfaces, I'll go to autos front & rear on the next 4x4.
AnswerID: 18104

Follow Up By: Wayne - Tuesday, Apr 22, 2003 at 20:43

Tuesday, Apr 22, 2003 at 20:43
Hi Tony,
Thanks for your reply. As you have both on your present vehicle, what would be your main reason for Lock Rites both ends next time? Is it financial or performance based? Perhaps the characteristics of the auto type suit you and your type of driving? As you can probably tell I don't have much (any) experience with lockers.
Appreciate your help,

FollowupID: 11373

Follow Up By: Tony James - Wednesday, Apr 23, 2003 at 18:14

Wednesday, Apr 23, 2003 at 18:14
Hi Wayne,
The LockRite on the front makes a very little difference to steering when 4x4 engaged. A bit more 'return to centre' feel, from say 15 degrees left or right of straight ahead position on the steering wheel.
Why would I go autos again. Financial? - yes plus they are engaged all the time (when in 4x4 mode). No need to have the compressor charged up, no need to engage/disengage to turn etc as with air. Even having the air locker on the rear (and engaged) can push the car straight ahead at times.
Both types will lock across the axle so straight line performance is the same. Guess I like the simplicity of autos as well as the lower cost (although TJM charge an arm and a leg for the LockRight). Lok Rite from 4WD Systems in Adelaide are about half price and look to me to be EXACTLY the same. Some say a Chinese copy but who cares? Most items of anything in Aust come from Asia these days.
If I can help futher just ask.
FollowupID: 11426

Follow Up By: Allyn (Pilbara) - Wednesday, Apr 23, 2003 at 22:01

Wednesday, Apr 23, 2003 at 22:01
I have the Lock Rights from 4WD Systems fitted front & rear. No problems thus far apart from that clunk and bite every now and then from the rear (only on hard surface when cornering) which was abit disconcerting at first. Given the vast difference in price I reckon I would probably go the same option again. Couldn't possibly recommend anything else for the front of a part time 4WD as it's just so simple and if I happen to be incapacitated (by whatever means) any other person driving only has to engage 4WD as per normal. My wife is not into cars at all and couldn't explain what a locker was but knows that if she locks the hubs and uses the short lever then she can go anywhere she's got the courage to and a lot of places where others cannot. The only thing amongst my crew that matches (gulp - beats) me is a 2002 4.0 Litre petrol Jeep so I'm not disappointed at all.
4WD Systems have a special every now and then where they'll sell you the rear set for $200 off (I got both front & Rear for about $600) and if you fit them yourself then the price doesn't compare to lockers at all.
My opinion only and feel free to ask any further questions
FollowupID: 11442

Follow Up By: Wayne - Thursday, Apr 24, 2003 at 14:50

Thursday, Apr 24, 2003 at 14:50
Thanks Tony and Allyn,
I appreciate all this info from everyone. Just trying to digest it! One of the guys has just come onbord the ship by helicopter and he has a copy of the magazine 4wd monthly that was mentioned at the beginning of this thread. So I'll give it a read and maybe come up with some pertinent queries for you all.

Thanks again
FollowupID: 11469

Reply By: desert - Thursday, Apr 24, 2003 at 10:46

Thursday, Apr 24, 2003 at 10:46
Wayne. I have had a detroit locker, then an ARB air Locker, followed by a second front unit added and now I have just fitted a Lock rite Lokka in the front of the GU.
What would you like to know, exactly?
AnswerID: 18272

Follow Up By: Wayne - Thursday, Apr 24, 2003 at 12:31

Thursday, Apr 24, 2003 at 12:31
Hi Desert,
Thanks for you reply. A bit further back up this thread I said "I'm trying to see if someone who has had both types of difflocks has subsequenty decided to use the Lockrite type on their next 4wd. And if so why? " the reason I'm asking is that I don't have any experience with locked diffs of any type, apart from watching someone elses. I'm considering putting some sort of locks in my Hilux. ('99 diesel single cab) and am hoping that the input from you guys here will help me decide which way to go. I don't have the knowledge to know which questions to ask (yet :-) ) So really I suppose I'm trying to make as sure as I can that the system I eventually decide on is right for me.

Thanks again,
FollowupID: 11464

Follow Up By: Allyn (Pilbara) - Thursday, Apr 24, 2003 at 19:31

Thursday, Apr 24, 2003 at 19:31
I think if you fit the Lock Rights to the front of your Hi-Lux and then test it (it will double your 4WD capability) you'll either be satisfied to the point where that will do nothing further or you'll decide on another option for the rear. Given the lighter weight of Hilux's, I reckon if you do this you'll be more than happy. Later, when you get cashed up, you may explore the option of air locker in rear.
My thoughts only
FollowupID: 11482

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