Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 10:09
Yes, I am completely aware of the possible dangers and I would never use this method for snatching a vehicle out of a serious bog.
I just think that someone has come up with an idea that he thought was good and tried to make a few bucks out of it and was about to get shiit canned for it.
Just because you have a new place to tie a rope doesnt mean you should try and pull Christ of his Cross with it.
It sounds to me like they have had it tested by some "NATA" mob.
And if you used it within its limitations (dont snatch cars out of bogs if you have a cheapy tow ball) you should have no trouble.
He does tend to market it as a HEAVY recovery point a bit rather than a point to tow from but surely anyone with half a brain knows a chain is as strong as the weakest link?
Im not for or against it, as I said I would never buy one. If just seems people these days are always quick to blame a product for failure rather than the operator.
I you think you might be tempted to do something stupid with it, dont buy it.
Any way thats my rant for the morning...time to go and do something.