soft steering wheel

Submitted: Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 09:30
ThreadID: 44619 Views:1567 Replies:1 FollowUps:0
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Giday - quite some time ago (and yes I have looked in search!!- but probably goes back about 18 months or so) there were several posts and discussion on how to fix a steering wheel that had gone "soft" - apparently it is unroadworthy - does anyone know what the answers were - I vaguely remember something about injecting something - maybe Chemset - or something like that - Araldite?
Hope someone can help.
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Reply By: David from Engine Saver Low Water Alarms - Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 11:19

Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 11:19
I used ordinary "magic" brand superglue from coles on mine and it worked just fine.

I know others have used a similar glue from locktite as well.

Make sure to mask up every where in case of spillage (I speak from experience!)
and wear eye protection and rubber gloves.

I injected mine with a needle & syringe I got from an inkjet refill kit.

Make sure to get the needle right up against the metal rim inside & inject at about 20mm intervals.

I fully taped mine tightly with insulation tape until the glue set.
AnswerID: 235267

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