problem with auto gearbox in TD 60 series cruiser
Submitted: Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 17:19
This Thread has been Archived
Hi - considered posting this on LCOOL site, but they seem to focus on late model cruisers so thought I'd try here. A mate of
mine has a 4l turbo diesel 60 series with auto gearbox. I'm pretty sure it's only got about 250,000 kays on it, but he was convinced by some transmission nutscratchers that the input splines on the gearbox lacked a bit of meat so he should get it recon'd - at a cost of $5K! Anyway, after the 20,000 kay warranty period had expired, the box developed a problem whereby it wouldn't change up from first until it had warmed up. It has now developed a problem where it overheats and won't engage - i.e. after about 50 kays, go to take off from standing start and just moves forward slowly - reverse no problem.
I'm trying to convince him to
fork out the $100 to get it power-flushed as a first option although the overheating may suggest something more serious like something rubbing, or perhaps just a blocked tranny cooler. If the fluid/cooler service doesn't work, how easy is it to convert one of these to manual given that he's not interested in forking out a couple more grand to get the mechanics to remove and open up the auto for a looksee...
Reply By: Peter 2 - Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 20:03
Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 20:03
I'd get the tranny serviced, filter cleaned and the fluid changed as a first step. The fact that it slips could be an indicator of probs though.
he has checked the fluid levels hasn't he? It might just be low on fluid ;-))
Reply By: ross - Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 20:30
Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 20:30
Its going to cost a couple of grand to convert if he wants something decent.
I would say
the nut scratchers have robbed him. I would go back and ask politely if they want to have a look at it.
If they turn there back on him then tell them you are considering getting another opinion as to wear on the parts they put in as a
Its been done before to catch out dodgy reconditioners.
Either way he is up for $1000s unless you come across a genuinely good used unit.