Tanami Track
Submitted: Tuesday, Apr 24, 2007 at 12:59
This Thread has been Archived
Considering Tanami Track as a quick option for Alice to GRR. Alternative is up the highway to Dunmara then Buchanan Hwy. We'll be travelling in June, in Disco towing an reasonably heavy off-road CT.
How busy will the Tanami be? Is it a track that shold be travelled in company?
Reply By: Voxson - Tuesday, Apr 24, 2007 at 13:34
Tuesday, Apr 24, 2007 at 13:34
It will be
well travelled....
You wouldnt be able to
cook your lunch without being waved at...
Reply By: Member - Kiwi Kia - Tuesday, Apr 24, 2007 at 13:39
Tuesday, Apr 24, 2007 at 13:39
Hi Smudger, Do you need company ? Depends, like all remote roads it's a blood.. long way to civilisation if you need a tow. The road is wide, long straights to the horizon, almost flat and very corrugated. Road condition depends on the recent weather and if the road has been cut up when soft. Some people travel at high speed (over 80 kph) others take it slower and shake a lot. After you pass the normal fuelling points you have to look fairly hard to find any little tracks to get off the road for camping. Busy? you might see 3 or 4 vehicles per hour. There's bound to be someone on here that's been through recently and can give you a more up to date report. How sure are you that your trailer can stand multi-million corrugations with out suffering any damage?
Follow Up By: Smudger - Wednesday, Apr 25, 2007 at 00:49
Wednesday, Apr 25, 2007 at 00:49
I ask the question of company from a support perspective. Sounds like there'll be plenty of traffic on the track. I have no knowledge of this track, but reckon we're gonna get some soon. Thanks Kia
PS: Tell your bloody Highlanders to stop beating up on my 'tahs. Was at the game last Saturday and it was not a prettysight.
Follow Up By: Member - Kiwi Kia - Wednesday, Apr 25, 2007 at 05:35
Wednesday, Apr 25, 2007 at 05:35
Hi Smudger, I am afraid I give up in disgust at the lack of proper refereeing in that regard these days. It almost seems to be a contest to see just how much interference you can get away with. I saw one absolutely stupid linesman get a Hurricanes man yellow carded for glaring at him last week - blood... hell. And if the ref or linesman don't do their job then they deserve to be criticised by anybody !
The Blues and the Crusaders are masters at getting away with interference off the ball these days.
Follow Up By: Smudger - Wednesday, Apr 25, 2007 at 11:14
Wednesday, Apr 25, 2007 at 11:14
How about the ref'ing in the
Test Match, I reckon both sides were holding their breath after every move. They used to call it the Anzac mtch, but sponsor bucks have fixed that.
Reply By: Hairy - Tuesday, Apr 24, 2007 at 14:43
Tuesday, Apr 24, 2007 at 14:43
The track could change dramatically between June and now, when you get within a week or so put another post on and Ill ask someone who travels it regularly.
But basically if its open its usually a corrugated dirt road that does get a fair bit of traffic and you wouldn't have too much trouble getting help if something went wrong . Would be expensive though if you had to pay for help! Travelling with someone would be better.
Ps. get right off the road for the trucks, they wont!
Follow Up By: Smudger - Wednesday, Apr 25, 2007 at 00:50
Wednesday, Apr 25, 2007 at 00:50
Will follow up. Thanks Hairy
Reply By: Steve63 - Tuesday, Apr 24, 2007 at 15:57
Tuesday, Apr 24, 2007 at 15:57
The Tanami is definitely shorter, but quicker I'm not so sure about. If it has just been graded then it is not bad and will be quick. If it is cut up it can be quicker going any other way. If you are going to put it in your plan I would come
home that way but go up on the black top. We have been on it as a single vehicle a couple of times. It has varied from smooth graded surface to unbelievable corregations, dust pits and wash outs. Have seen plenty of CT's going that way also. Most are travelling pretty slowly though. If you are starting at the northern end of the GRR then you tend to be heading to
Kununurra. This makes using the Tanimi questionable. If you are starting at the
Broome end then Tanimi makes a lot of sense time wise. You will see a few cars, it is not deserted. I don't tow anything so not really in a position to comment on that part but it can be a punishing track for the vehicle. Hence the suggestion that you use it on the way
home. The Tanimi is a track that every trveller should use once for the experience. Personally I'd rather drive down the CSR on the way
home. It might take an extra few weeks but it is much more plesent!
Follow Up By: Smudger - Wednesday, Apr 25, 2007 at 00:52
Wednesday, Apr 25, 2007 at 00:52
Excellent suggestion Steve,
The thought had passed through my mind. Reckon we''l head up to Dunmara to GRR >
Broome. And return via Tanami.
Reply By: Longreach - Tuesday, Apr 24, 2007 at 17:46
Tuesday, Apr 24, 2007 at 17:46
In your planning, remember Rabbit Flat RH isn't open every day so if you need to get fuel half way, you will need to allow for this.
Reply By: MAVERICK(WA) - Tuesday, Apr 24, 2007 at 17:49
Tuesday, Apr 24, 2007 at 17:49
as of yesterday there is much water everywhere around
the granites gold
mine area - and extends all over the place including rabbit flat and through to
halls creek (hwy1). with any luck all should be good within a couple of months with plenty of flowers things to look at. there are also a number of sidetracks (lots actually) but you need to be aware these are not maintained - which is good as it keeps the terrorists away - and they lead to some interesting
places. ring the rabbit flat store before you leave alice and see how the road is - during the dry the conditions vary from very very flat and good to holy sh.. its corrugated - just drive to suit the conditions - and don't rush......there is plenty to see. rgds
Follow Up By: Smudger - Wednesday, Apr 25, 2007 at 00:54
Wednesday, Apr 25, 2007 at 00:54
I'm a tad confused by your reply Maverick,
How does the Tanami Road handle rain? I'd expect that, like most roads out there, it would be impassable. Your reply is a little ambiguous.
Regards, Greg
Reply By: MAVERICK(WA) - Thursday, Apr 26, 2007 at 09:45
Thursday, Apr 26, 2007 at 09:45
when it rains for long periods - or lots for short periods - the road will be closed. 2006 I think it was shut for 2mths after the March floods. ring rabbit flat a week or so before you wish to travel to
check if it's ok. and as with another reply to your query - when you see trucks move over as far as possible and stop......it is not wise to go up against something that big that puts out that much dust. rgds