Saturday, May 05, 2007 at 08:38
Maybe you didn't read my post before you have a 7 pin trailer plug & connector correct , but you have 10 wires on the trailer side but you only have 7 wires on the car side.
You know the correct way to wire the plug on the caravan , the extra 3 wires Red, Brown and Black. correct ?
If you join the 2 red colours together and 2 browns together and 2 blacks together and stick them into the correct holes this should be right.
Your red and black wires for your emergency brakes go into your battery on your caravan. you only have blue from your car to your trailer for electric brakes. the emergency cut off for your brakes should be a separate wire attached to your car which goes into a special plug on your electric breakaway system. If this is not correct then the manufacturer has wired up his own way and an auto electrician can find out after an hour of labour.
A simple way is to attach neg wire (white) to neg side of battery and just arc out the extra red, brown wire.this will tell you that only one side parkers or brake light works . I'm not sure where the black wire goes my crystal ball is in for a service :-)
It would have to be 12v power into the caravan , unless you have reversing lights.
I'm sure the manufacturer can can tell you where the wires go just in case I'm wrong. I am a male and i have known to be wrong once before maybe twice but no more than that. :-)
I think I need a cuppa now