Broken axles and locking diffs

Submitted: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 at 22:24
ThreadID: 45246 Views:2763 Replies:2 FollowUps:9
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Following some excellent advice on a previous post I am about to replace the discs on the front of my '91 80 series poverty pack. Seems like a good time to check CV joints, replace seals, and possibly stick an auto(un)locking diff in it. Can't afford a manually operated difflock. I'm a bit concerned about the increased possibility of breaking an axle/CV with the fitment of a difflock and was wondering if any of you experts may have a few thoughts on the subject before I cover myself with grease, oil and possibly some embarrassment. I don't as yet have a rear difflock.
Thanks in anticipation.
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Reply By: Member - DOZER- Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 00:18

Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 00:18
Do yourself a favour...the locking diff will make a huge difference to traction...but make sure you ge one that replaces the whole centre with something more substancial...because the 80 had a nasty problem with shearing gears in the diff, from a weak centres ability to hold the gears rigidly. The cheapest lockrites use the std centre, and you will be replacing gears b4 c/v's....aswome traction gained from this mod...worth it.
Now, on the bad side.....when 4wding in high range, you wont be able to steer unless you back off with an auto unlocker. then when you power on, the steering wheel will rip out of your hands...i hit a tree doing this on a winding lockers are good for traction, but bad for steering, tyre wear and axle studs...however in the front they do the least amount of they are off when on tar...but you do loose the go fast on dirt roads in 4wd ability, and accelerator steering becomes the norm....My advice...ARB locker and loan.
AnswerID: 238735

Follow Up By: D-Jack - Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 00:26

Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 00:26
Dont know what sort of auto locker you have dozer, but the Lokka on my TD Jackaroo is usually difficult to pick steering wise. That's also what they advertise - minimal steering difficulties, and certainly less than a full manual locker. Maybe it's the brand, or maybe the vehicle, but would be interesting to hear from other 80 series owners and their experiences with the front diff locker....
FollowupID: 499778

Follow Up By: warthog - Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 09:03

Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 09:03
Lokka in our GU patrol;- very little effect on the steering also.
FollowupID: 499797

Follow Up By: Twinkles - Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 09:18

Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 09:18
Lokka in my Hilux. Improved traction. Steering wants to spring back to forward when moving along in high range. Steering is not lost, just heavier. Not very noticeable in low range.
FollowupID: 499802

Follow Up By: Member - Captain (WA) - Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 10:15

Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 10:15
I had a Lockrite auto lokka in the fron of my 80 series and reckon it was great. never had a problem with steering at all - far less steering issues than an air locker when on.

When in 4wd, there was a slight increase in steering effort, akin to tyres at 25 psi - nothing like "rip steering out of your hands".


FollowupID: 499814

Follow Up By: MichaelR - Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 21:14

Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 21:14
Thanks fellas but I am still interested tknow if anyone has had any problems with broken bits, with all due respect to Dozer. Did yours hang together Captain and what sort of driving did you do? My trips often involve dirt road travel at reasonable speeds. I'm certainly not interested in spearing of the road because of loosing control while gently accelerating into a bend.
FollowupID: 499947

Follow Up By: Member - Matt Mu (Perth-WA) - Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 14:31

Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 14:31
Slight increase in steering effort when you first put it into 4wd but after 5 mins you dont even notice it anymore!

99 Rodeo with Lokka in front.

Yes you are more at RISK of breaking cvs and axles because you have MORE traction!!

Thats all!!

You can drive with one wheel on traction so the entire weight of your truck on one axle and CV....impossible before. Unless you had traction even on both fron wheels you would not proceed. Hence why you COULD break a CV!

The idea is to drive responsibly not thrash around like a lunatic and enjoy your nefound traction!!

Go for it you wont be dissapointed!

FollowupID: 500095

Follow Up By: Member - DOZER- Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 14:52

Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 14:52
Your theory is sound...but.....shock loading is the most common cause of failures. When you get the 4wd pigrooting trying to gain traction with wheels spinning then coming down onto rocks etc..thats when the damage usually occurs with open diffs...add the locker, and the 4wd should walk the same rout...leaving less impact on mother nature and driveline...but as always, there is a tradeoff...get stuck with lockers..and try to get out...and your now powering into double the traction...
So now it is more a thing of operator error if there is a breakage.
Reversing out of a bog you have drove into is one way of smashing a front diffs teeth...snatching in reverse is another
FollowupID: 500100

Follow Up By: Member - Matt Mu (Perth-WA) - Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 20:04

Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 20:04
No Theory Dozer...if someoen genuinely wants information about how a loker works and the forces applied then I am happy to assist but its not rocket science.

If you add a front locker you WILL allow a vehicle to be propelled on only ONE axle and all that load through the CV.

This is where all the scare mongers came from....they 'heard' that if you add a locker you will break CVs. That is why I said if you drive with respect and consideration for your equipment then you will be fine. Thrash around like a lunatic and you WILL break things.

You cannot avoid wear and tear...but there is such a thing a non-fair wear and tear!! Its abuse.

The answer to the question is NO you will not just break CVs if you add a front will go places you never could before and if you abuse your newfound traction...then something will give!

CVs usually.

All the best
FollowupID: 500168

Follow Up By: Member - Captain (WA) - Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 21:38

Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 21:38
Hi MichaelR,

I did a lot of dirtdriving towing a van in 4WD, as well as same decent offroad driving ie. hills, rocks, sand etc... It had neglegible effect steering wise but a fantastic effect traction wise! I was very happy with my choice of locker and wouldn't hesitiate to do the same again.


FollowupID: 500204

Reply By: Member - DOZER- Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 15:27

Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 15:27
Ok, my experience was in a 60 series, i was on a tight track in between trees and was on and off power, in low range, once the wheel ripped out of my hand and i hit a descent sized tree taking an intch thick piece of bark out of it....
AnswerID: 238824

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