Re: PostID: 44734 Another question for all you sparkies out there.

Submitted: Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 01:30
ThreadID: 45290 Views:1965 Replies:3 FollowUps:4
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PostID: 44734

Bloody hell... its 1:23am in the morning and i just spent the last 30 mins looking for the last thread I posted so i could get the post id... Sorry, had to be said. Anyways, I gathered from the last post that to bring my 2 amps back from e-heaven (not bad for 1:23 in the morn! :D ) that I need to spray em clean and then cook em in the oven. I have come to the realisation that im not game enough to try it myself. Where would I look to take them to get them done proffessionally and how much would I be looking at spending? Turns out the headunit (Mp3) wont accept cds, and when it does it wont give them back too.. I dunno if i can be stuffed getting that repaired, may just save up then buy another.

Any help is greatly appreciated because at the moment my sound system consists of 1 4" speaker that is jammed under my cb and I am quickly tiring of that...

Cheers, Anand.
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Reply By: Willem - Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 07:59

Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 07:59

Coulkd you send me an email through my website below re the EO National Gathering on which you are listed to attend?

AnswerID: 239005

Reply By: Ianw - Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 19:37

Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 19:37
Hint....... To find your own posts quickly, just enter your handle in the search box and hit go!!

AnswerID: 239118

Follow Up By: 4wdNewbie - Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 22:02

Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 22:02
Lol I knew there would be some way to do that. Was in a bit of a zombie state last night and wasnt gonna spend time trying to figure it out. Cheers for next time tho!
FollowupID: 500206

Reply By: Member - Glenn D (NSW) - Friday, May 11, 2007 at 21:20

Friday, May 11, 2007 at 21:20
This was my reply before ,

Strip the amps , you can wash everything with Isopropyl Alcohol , buy a crap $2 paint brush , cut it down so there is only 1/2" of bristles and it makes a mini scrubing brush. Save some of the alcohol so you have some to rinse the cleaned components in .

You can air dry the items or use compressed air.

Despite some of the other replies you got this is the easiest way , you dont have to bake anything , if you are bothered leave it till the next day. The alcohol will NOT melt anything off your boards.

I also said you may have cooked the amps by turning them on full of oil.

The guy that recomended baking them also said to use a gernie , this sounds slightly industrial for a couple of circuit boards !

If you are freaking out too much , member message me and I can help you out.

AnswerID: 239396

Follow Up By: 4wdNewbie - Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 12:52

Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 12:52
I'm not a member so i cant get a member message to ya, if you could email me at
FollowupID: 500506

Follow Up By: 4wdNewbie - Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 12:53

Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 12:53
lol followup got sent half way through... oops. But yea, if you could email me there so we could have a chat that would be much appreciated. Cheers.
FollowupID: 500507

Follow Up By: Member - Glenn D (NSW) - Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 20:45

Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 20:45
Sounds like from your next thread you are on top of things,

FollowupID: 501550

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