long range fuel supplies

Submitted: Saturday, Apr 26, 2003 at 12:19
ThreadID: 4569 Views:1505 Replies:2 FollowUps:0
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I have a 1994 Pajero Diesel 2.8L ( non turbo) which has a 90L tank and gets about 750 to 800km's per tank. and will be travelling aroun Australia for three months betwen July and October this year. Can some one tell me if I will need a long range tank or jerry cans or will my exisiting tank be enough? Thanks
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Reply By: nomad - Saturday, Apr 26, 2003 at 17:30

Saturday, Apr 26, 2003 at 17:30
G'day John,
It all depends on how far off the beaten track you want to go.
If you are planing on crossing any of the major deserts or doing the cape you will need extra fuel capacity,but 700km fuel range is plenty for most roads now.
My jackaroo has a range of 600 to 650 km per tank and I've never come close to running out of fuel.
That includes Alice springs via Boulia & the Plenty Highway,Chambers Pillar,Ularu,OOdnadatta Track etc.
Just be sensible and work out your fuel stops at the start of each day & don't assume that there will be a servo open after 7pm in the Outback.
A 17000 km trip around Australia in 1995 only saw the need for "The Jerries" once, that was crossing from Yalara to Kalgoorlie via "The Gunbarrel".
Most of all don't forget to allow extra fuel for sight seeing side trips.
Have fun.
AnswerID: 18397

Reply By: Member - Phil - Saturday, Apr 26, 2003 at 20:53

Saturday, Apr 26, 2003 at 20:53
Hi John,
Did the same trip las year, [60 series] 90L tank was always enough,although i always had a jerry.Me & the handbrake,&loaded up,not towin nothin,we did 18,000 ks. used 2580L diesel ave. cost was 96c litre. I know you'll have a great trip!! We hope to getaway soon for a coupla mths. to do the kimberly & the territory proply, so we might cross paths, catchya
AnswerID: 18421

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