Black Wolf Turbo Lite vs Oztrail Tourer
Submitted: Saturday, May 26, 2007 at 17:05
This Thread has been Archived
Hi everyone,
We're looking for a fast-erecting touring tent, more compact and lighter than the old 13x9
Southern Cross, and so far come down to a choice of two.
Oztrail Tourer 9 seems to get a good writeup here, and the pyramid design tried and trusted.
Black Wolf Turbo models are also are
well received here, but members do not seem to distinguish between the Turbo poly-canvas models and the Turbo Lite all-polyester models.
We are thinking about the Turbo Lite 250. Does anyone have any experience as to :
How do the Lite models perform in the rain? Especially given the cutaway fly design which leaves most of the walls uncovered.
How do they handle in the wind? Given there is no way to peg the floor except in the corners, do you find the floor lifting and the wall blowing inward in a strong wind ?
Thanks in advance !
Reply By: jeffwa - Saturday, May 26, 2007 at 18:01
Saturday, May 26, 2007 at 18:01
Have you thought about the Jackaroo canvas single poles tourers? My old canvas tent had the zip playing up on it recentyl, I only paid $100 for it a couple of years ago and we've used it countless times so I figuered I'd got my money out of it.
Anyway, was walking through kmart and they had the Jackaroo canvas touers for $140 on special!!
Bought one, set it up and hosed it off out the back to prepare the canvas, looks ok, not super heavy duty (no PVC floor, just tarp like material like a dome tent) but it's got two windows, a good flyscreen/door/annex-door on it and for $140 I reckon you can't go wrong. In only has to last 12 months and it's worth it! LOL.
I was looking at the Oztrails, but the cheapest I could get one delivered down to me where I am was about $270, so for nearly half the price and I could get it there and then, I thought what the hell.
Reply By: Orion - Saturday, May 26, 2007 at 21:22
Saturday, May 26, 2007 at 21:22
No experience with the Black Wolf Turbo, but we have an Oztrail Tourer 9 which has served us
well, however we have now testing a swag...
Reply By: Member - Mark E (VIC) - Sunday, May 27, 2007 at 00:07
Sunday, May 27, 2007 at 00:07
Sorry Mate, cant help with the Turbo lite as I have a normal Turbo 300. I had a good look at the Lite version the other day and came away thinking that I was pleased with what I already had, mainly due to the 'feel' of the tent and the apparent quality of the material used in the floor. The normal Turbo will far outlast the 'lite' unless you put something under it to protect it. I'm not too sure what the weight and packed size difference is, but it would want to be very significant before I would go that way. The pole system looks identical.
In comparing the Turbo with other similar tents, I found that the Turbo had more 'useable' space inside as the walls were more upright and thus more standing space inside the tent. Very easy to fact takes longer to get the thing out of the car than to set it up, although I'm not anal in that regard as I'm in no hurry for that first beer...(SWMBO ensures that!).
I also can't attest to it's ability to stand up in cyclonic conditions, as I have only used it for a 6 week trip to the
Kimberley last year and there was no horrible weather and I managed to get the boss to sleep in the swag with me a few nights.... 8-).
Given the materials in the walls in the Lite version, I would not envisage any problems with rain as this type of material is very waterproof. The breathability would be another issue though .... is anyones guess.
Good luck in deciding, though I think you will be happy with either.