Monday, May 28, 2007 at 15:56
Peter only wealthy butchers have nitrogen machines. Most have a small single chamber machines with a built in heat sealer.
pprass ,Maybe what you read was a mistake.Once you remove as much air as possible all red meat should keep for at least a month at 0 .
As long as a small machine has enough vaccum and can seal the bag it should work as
well as a butchers machine.
Read the specifications on vaccum when comparing machines
Sometimes they take a little practice. Putting the meat in a bag that suits the shape of the meat helps.
If its tight anywhere it will make it harder for the machine to suck all the air out.
Sometimes yuo can help by massaging the air out.
Once packed the bags containing the meat should be handled carefully not dropped or thrown or squashed.
I went away a few weeks back for with meat that was not vaccum packed.
It stayed fresh in the bottom of my Waeco unfrozen but frosty for 10 days .
Red meat does not cause the same types of problem white meats like fish and chicken do.
For red meat to make you sick it needs to be
bright green and undercooked.
The taste would prevent you from eating