around the top of the Flinders Ranges
Submitted: Monday, May 28, 2007 at 22:36
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Hi to all,
My and a friends families are taking an extended trip in July and as a part of it we go north and then south to
Lyndhurst, and I am wondering if anyone has ever gone to Arkaroola via the
Strzelecki Track, east to Mount Freeling and South at
Moolawatana which is my preferred track to take. Will I have to get permission from station owners etc..., or will the option be keep going past the Mount Freeling
intersection and then turn South at the
Mount Hopeless intersection? I have heard of the Strzelecki being accessed from the south via
Balcanoona,and that track is abit of a highway copmpared to others travelled.
Has one way more interest/better scenery than the other??
Reply By: Pomgonewalkabout - Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 07:10
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 07:10
We went to Arkaroola in 2004 on the Strez after leaving
Down the Strez and turn left before
Mount Hopeless, past Moolawatona and eventually Wooltana station. From what I can remember some nice creek crossings, mainly flat, a bit desolate.
But looking at the map and reading your post it sounds like you want to drive past Mount Freeling station and Mount Fritton Talc
mine and coming out at
I went with Talc Alf on his mail run recently and there was a padlocked
gate near the Talc
mine so I'm not sure that you can get through that way.
I'm sure as
well that you would have to ask the Mount Freeling owners for permission or information?
You can get to Arkaroola on the road that leads from
Copley, about 30km south of
Lyndhurst. Or the way that we came back from Arkaroola which was
Blinman, Chambers
Whichever way you decide, just remember to keep a low profile and be very quiet when you get to
Leigh Creek! The handyman at the hospital gets very upset and feelings of wanderlust set in when he sees all these loaded 4WD's in the town, ready for adventures.
hope this helps
Reply By: DIO - Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 08:44
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 08:44
Why not
check with Wooltana Station (08 86484822) or the National Parks at
Balcanoona Balcanoona (08) 86484829 . Either of these should be able to advise you on current road conditions from
Balcanoona to Mt Hopeless.
The roads to
Balcanoona from the south are gravel and generally good.
Creek crossing van be rough and stony.
Balcanoona north the track starts out dirt (very susceptible to washouts).
You will encounter lots of
creek crossing, cattle grids (some very rough - slow down). You will eventually leave the shadow of the Ranges and head out onto the plains. Be prepared to spend some time at
Terrapinna Waterhole (watch out for the sandy patches), it is a beautiful area, backed by large red
granite cliffs. From this point on the track is generally worse with steep
creek crossing, some can be difficult to negotiate - subject of course to any recent roadworks or weather.
The area in question is pretty isolated. By September it can be very hot. Be prepared for anything, good luck and enjoy the area. It's beautiful.
Reply By: Willem - Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 09:43
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 09:43
I did that run in reverse order in 2004.
locked gate is entry to the Talc
Mine. AFAIK it is a gazetted road and no permissions are required. Most outback roads in South Australia are open to the public with maybe one or two exceptions.
Reply By: Member - Duncs - Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 09:44
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 09:44
I have travelled a couple of times from
Balcanoona to the Strez. The track is pretty flat and pretty easy. In
places it is stoney and could produce tyre damage but I have not had a problem there.
The scenery is interesting and does vary a little. At times you travel close to the mountains but the northern end of the track is
well out on the plains. I think it could be very pretty early in the morning with the dawn sun lighting the cliffs but to be there at that time could be difficult. Having said that you could probably
camp just off the road south of
Moolawatana without drawing too much attention to yourself. Just leave it clean and free from damage.
Balcanoona Rd does avoid the mountains and as a result the creek crossings are generally fairly easy. I have twice travelled through this area from
Broken Hill to
Broken Hill via
Balcanoona, Merty Merty and Camerons Corner. Both trips were done in 4 days with lots of time to play. Travelling on the Strez is very quick compared to any of the tracks that lead off it.
I would contact Mt Freeling but if you don't get permission then continuing up the Strez to Mt Hopeless is probably quicker if less interesting.
Reply By: Harry - Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 17:28
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 17:28
No permission is needed, just turn left to Mt Fitton(abandoned), Mt Freeling and the track into the talc
mine is locked, just keep straight on towards the Strzelecki. There is a great campspot at Terrapina Springs, huge river reds on the
Hamilton ck which is 10km or so from the turnoff at
Moolawatana.(give or take on that mileage)
The track towards the Strzelecki is not bad just slow at times, and the scenery is great in
places and all in all the trek across is worth it. I have been there twice in the last 2 yrs and enjoy it every time.
Reply By: NissanGU - Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 22:21
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 22:21
Thanks for the advice guys.
We will be comong from Lake Eyre, and rather than going via
Leigh Creek,
Copley etc, we are going the long way via the Stez for something different.