Beach Driving
Submitted: Sunday, Apr 27, 2003 at 23:36
This Thread has been Archived
Dear All
Just bought the 80 Series Land Cruiser (with the notchy 2nd & 3rd), which has beautiffully intact under carriage. Really good nick. So, if I take it on a drive on a beach, say
the beach run from Noosa to Fraser Is., will this cause the corrosive disaster that we read about? Or, will a bit of beach driving do little harm, providing the vehicle is not driven through the surf?
Is there any way to reduce possible corrosive activity other than giving it a hose off on return from trip?
Reply By: tristjo - Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 00:38
Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 00:38
There are lotsa ways to keep rust at bay, heres a few ideas:
Fit an electronic rust prevention device.
Get the vehicle thoughrouly rust proofed with a spray on type coating.
DO NOT drive through the surf, cause as
well as all the salt water on your car, you can spray it all over others vehicles, which, beleive me, will greatly annoy them.
Hose your vehicle down every time you have been on or near
the beach, to rid it of salt.
You can spray underside of car, and inside all doors and panels with fish oil.
Or, you could just not take it on
the beach alltogether!!
Reply By: Member - Bruce - Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 03:56
Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 03:56
all of the above works
well. Not sure about the electronic but will be fitting one wheni can aford it so not knocking them. The best way to wash uder the vehicle i have found is to park it on the lawn and put a socker hose or sprinkler under the vehicle You may have to shift it around a bit to get every thing takes a good 30 minutes and dont forget to stick the hose in as many of those holes along the chasie as the sand and salt atmosphere will get in there .
Reply By: Jack - Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 06:27
Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 06:27
Hi Zoobs:
This reply is Fraser Island specific, After you come off , there is a garage on the way into
Rainbow Beach that will put your car onto a hoist and give it a good pressure spray underneath. Not sure where else this service may be available. My memory tells me it is about $10 for this which has bought me some peace of mind. I am off to Fraser again May 6, so will
check it out again and advise you.
Safe travel
Follow Up By: Member - Bonz (Vic) - Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 08:27
Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 08:27
Jack and Zoobs, the underbody wash at
Rainbow beach is
well signposted and
well worth the $10 it costs - just drive into the wash shed,slap in your gold coins and sit and sigh at the wash doing its job. I got it done last week after 8 days on Fraser and it cleaned up my Patrol fantastically! They also have a $2 option to spray the vehicle before you go onto the island with a protective film that also covers the paintwork but I didnt try it, I would next time though.
All the best________________________________>
Fraser Island Dreaming
Reply By: Jack - Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 06:34
Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 06:34
Hi Zoobs:
Meant to add that I also have an 80 Series with a notchy 2nd and 3rd gear. I just "double shuffle" when changing down and it works fine. I am almost convinced it came as standard on early model 80 Series, as everyone I know with one has the same problem : )
Safe travels
Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 09:59
Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 09:59
LOL.... just reading a few replys.
Anyway fit a peter brock black box too. Electronic devices, had a bloke do a talk at our club the other week, and one guy cornered him and really bleep ed him up with his "unbeatable" units!
Dont drive in surf, as there is no salt in the air, and no salt in the sand, puddles or spray from other cars, the boat to Fraser, etc etc LOL.. shouldnt laugh, we used to see dudes driving down
boat harbour beach up to their doors to impress the car load of mates they had with them...
Getting the under body protection is a good start. As is spending a weekend fishoiling the rest of the car, its not just under the car that will rust.
Best bet is to take it to Shiners or somewhere like that and hit it with lots of soapy water (nulifies the salt) and pressure water to rinse. I usually go the local shiners here, with a spare pair of shorts and T-shirt to change into after my mission is complete, and throw the goggles on, get under the car for a while blasting the buggery out of it front to back..
Reply By: Dozer - Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 14:57
Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 14:57
Change the oil in the box to Castrol vmx-m. best oil for these boxes, but expensive.
You can have sump oil sprayed under the cruiser if you go to fraser aswell, dont fishoil, as sand sticks to it, just wash thoroughly.
A bit of beach doesnt harm them, these 4wds dont rust like the older ones, and my friend put on an electronic rust thingy, and as an experiment, changed one radiater support bolt from painted to bare steel, and watched it. It didnt even get surface rust, on the head as you would expect.
Your call
Reply By: Wazza (Vic) - Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 15:30
Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 15:30
I thought the sump oil idea was illegal and a no-no on enviromental grounds. I enquired about it at a local garage when in Noosa a couple of years ago on the way up North Shore.
Spend a lot of time getting in and aorund the chassis and under the bonnet with a hose. Expect to get soaked and dirty. Expect to find sand in
places you would not expect when washing the car or pulling bits off months or years down the track. Same would go for all cars, not just the 80 series.
Idea/question: Would a sacrificial anode like you fit to a outboard motor (and available for a couple of bucks) do any good on the car ??Cheers,
Follow Up By: Dozer - Tuesday, Apr 29, 2003 at 21:02
Tuesday, Apr 29, 2003 at 21:02
Mmm things must have changed since my last visit. Time to go again i think!
Reply By: colin - Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 21:17
Monday, Apr 28, 2003 at 21:17
if you have your vehicle rust proved DO NOT USE HIGH PRESSURE to wash underneath as this will blast off the exspensive proving, best way to go is volume of water after hand hosing put sprinkler under neath, also car wash at
rainbow beach is recicaled water which still has a content of salt in it, wouldnt touch it my self, have a 92 patrol rust proved done heaps of beach work and gettig sprayed on trips on the barge to Morten island and have no rust at all , just volumes of water when i get
home. Col
Reply By: Allyn (Pilbara) - Tuesday, Apr 29, 2003 at 08:58
Tuesday, Apr 29, 2003 at 08:58
How about Lanolin Oil underside as opposed to sump oil; etc ?
Follow Up By: rors101 - Tuesday, Apr 29, 2003 at 12:12
Tuesday, Apr 29, 2003 at 12:12
I have heard this is the go but haven't tried it - anyone?
Follow Up By: goingplatinumcomau - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 01:33
Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 01:33
Hi Allyn
I am the greatest beleaver in Lanalon oil and lanolin greese =Woolfat
As a rust preventer