Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 18:01
' country when it comes to rules and regulations'. Yeah
well perhaps in some instances not in others. Vehicle Inspections are just a great big monetary rip-off implemented to line the pockets of those licenced to conduct the checks. No guarantees that it makes any difference to road safety.
Biggest problem with road safety (more particularly the lack of it) are the drivers who openly flout the law, disregard road traffic laws, whinge about speed and red light cameras when they get caught, run illegally modified vehicles with complete disregard to mechanical and design safety, etc. These might weel be the same people often operate vehicles with bald tyres, bad brakes, crook
suspension, cracked chassis, cracked windscreen oil leaks etc etc .
Why do we tolerate motorists who have no regard for road traffic laws and openly encourage others to break the law by performing illegal modifications on their vehicle and then go on about how to get it through an Inspection Centre. How to beat the system. Not very Australian is it?
Shouldn't we be advocating responsibility, accountability, shouldn't we be criticising those who are obviously operating outside the laws, shouldn't we be discouraging those who advocate operating outside the law and bragging about it!
If you wish to modify your vehicle, do it within the limitations of the laws of the State relative to your rego.
If the
suspension and window tint are illegal in SA then I suggest that the motorists in question should make the necessary changes to rectify or remedy to comply with whatever the requirements are. So be it.