Slightly OT - Vehicle Inspections WA

Submitted: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 16:40
ThreadID: 46078 Views:2035 Replies:10 FollowUps:13
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We are moving to WA at the end of June. I was curious how I will go with transfering the 105 rego. It has 4 inch lift and a window tint that is one shade darker than legal in SA.

Just not sure how the WA system compares with SA i.e SA having no inspection. Does the vehicle need to go over the pits to transfer rego???

Comments appreciated.

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Reply By: Member - Matt Mu (Perth-WA) - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 16:43

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 16:43
Yes to change your rego over it will have to go through an inspection station.

The WA Gov has just under public and TV pressure tryed to implement a booking system. I believe that only applies to commercial Taxi insp and Caryard transfers.
All others turn up at the crack of dawn and wait in que till their turn and if you dont get through that day....turn up the next and try your luck!!

I would suggest if you can...try and get transfered in a regional area, you might have better luck!

Welcome haha

Hope you have better luck than those in the past!

AnswerID: 243515

Follow Up By: Member - Toytruck (SA) - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 16:54

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 16:54
thanks for the info....real encouraging:-) Seriously thanks but just not what I really wanted to hear 8-( Maybe as you say it might be worth a trip out to a remote inspection station. I really don't want to get into having to convert the damn thing back to standard to get it registered then swap it all back again. I wonder if I can pull a swifty and pretend I live in SA 8-O.

FollowupID: 504456

Reply By: Member - Davoe (Nullagine) - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 16:50

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 16:50
- dont worry about it , no one else does
AnswerID: 243519

Follow Up By: Member - Toytruck (SA) - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 17:04

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 17:04
are you suggesting there "may" be no probs??

FollowupID: 504458

Follow Up By: Member - Davoe (Nullagine) - Thursday, May 31, 2007 at 14:47

Thursday, May 31, 2007 at 14:47
No it was a bit tongue in cheek but certainly I didnt with my SA rego vehicle, my missus vehicle is still rego in Vic and many others dont bother. I was hasseled once by the cops for it but just ignored them and they went away. As a bonus they dnt issueparking infringements to intestate plated vehicles.
Just show your interstate liscense (they dont take it off you when you get a WA one ) and say your a tourist
FollowupID: 504634

Follow Up By: Member - Davoe (Nullagine) - Thursday, May 31, 2007 at 14:52

Thursday, May 31, 2007 at 14:52
oh and if you dont have one you have to have an immobaliser fitted to get a vehicle rego in WA. There was a spate of "disadvantaged" youths borrowing cars and crashing them into traffic killing pregnant women, fathers of 3 etc in the 90s which propmpted gvt action. My parents commodore was stolen and burnt
FollowupID: 504637

Reply By: Member - Nick (TAS) - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 16:53

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 16:53
Went through the same thing last year but we only had a 50mm lift then.Got it done in Kununurra at Toyota(dont start with that) and no worries.Now we are back home I just had it done again for Tassie rego and it had a 100mm lift.They never mentioned anything other than saying they needed a step ladder to look in the engine bay.
How long you staying in W.A, most people that I spoke to said just leave it from where ever if you are planning to go back.Just there as a visitor.
AnswerID: 243524

Follow Up By: Member - Toytruck (SA) - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 17:01

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 17:01
nup, will be a permanent resident.....well until my work drags us somewhere else. This will be 12 moves in 7 years of marriage.

FollowupID: 504457

Follow Up By: Pajman Pete (SA) - Thursday, May 31, 2007 at 14:14

Thursday, May 31, 2007 at 14:14
"This will be 12 moves in 7 years of marriage"

You are not in pussers are you? When we finally setteld in Adelaide we had averaged a move a year (17 houses in 18 years)

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FollowupID: 504623

Reply By: Motherhen - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 17:10

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 17:10
Hi Toytruck - You have to take it over the pits to transfer rego, which needs to be done within 3 months of taking up residence in WA. From your question, i gather that you could not just say you are visiting for a few months.

As MattMu says, you may have to queue for a couple of days in the city, according to the reports in the media. Quite different in rural areas, where they subcontract this work to locals, but when a curly question comes up, the contractor has to find the answers from the powers that be - and that's not always easy.

See what they say about the lift and the windows before mentioning it to them. They may just tell you to lower it a bit. They may have to call in an inspector.

Wouldn't it be simple if Australia became one country when it comes to these rules and regulations?

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AnswerID: 243529

Follow Up By: DIO - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 18:01

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 18:01
' country when it comes to rules and regulations'. Yeah well perhaps in some instances not in others. Vehicle Inspections are just a great big monetary rip-off implemented to line the pockets of those licenced to conduct the checks. No guarantees that it makes any difference to road safety.
Biggest problem with road safety (more particularly the lack of it) are the drivers who openly flout the law, disregard road traffic laws, whinge about speed and red light cameras when they get caught, run illegally modified vehicles with complete disregard to mechanical and design safety, etc. These might weel be the same people often operate vehicles with bald tyres, bad brakes, crook suspension, cracked chassis, cracked windscreen oil leaks etc etc .
Why do we tolerate motorists who have no regard for road traffic laws and openly encourage others to break the law by performing illegal modifications on their vehicle and then go on about how to get it through an Inspection Centre. How to beat the system. Not very Australian is it?
Shouldn't we be advocating responsibility, accountability, shouldn't we be criticising those who are obviously operating outside the laws, shouldn't we be discouraging those who advocate operating outside the law and bragging about it!
If you wish to modify your vehicle, do it within the limitations of the laws of the State relative to your rego.
If the suspension and window tint are illegal in SA then I suggest that the motorists in question should make the necessary changes to rectify or remedy to comply with whatever the requirements are. So be it.
FollowupID: 504466

Follow Up By: warthog - Thursday, May 31, 2007 at 16:03

Thursday, May 31, 2007 at 16:03
DIO, obviously you will slavishly follow any law no matter how ridiculous it is. No one is suggesting the car is a danger to other road users, you have immediately jumped to that conclusion based on your traffic cop mentality.
FollowupID: 504650

Reply By: Member - Phantom (WA) - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 17:53

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 17:53
Hi Toytruck,
I live in Mandurah about 80kms south of Perth via Freeway. We use the local chap here and he does lots of cars for our business. If you are interested I can suss him out and let you know his rules. It may save you driving to Kununurra or where ever to get it done. We don't make bookings either.
Let me know if I can help.
AnswerID: 243542

Follow Up By: Member - Toytruck (SA) - Friday, Jun 01, 2007 at 10:16

Friday, Jun 01, 2007 at 10:16
as it happens we are looking at living in Secret Harbour. I might drop you a line a little closer to the time and find out where your guy is located if thats OK.

FollowupID: 504819

Reply By: RupertDog - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 18:13

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 18:13
Had to take my Prado over the pits after LPG conversion about 6 months ago. Went to Midland licensing centre, full of fear and dread about waiting all day to get the car looked at.

Arrived about 7.30 am (slept in as I was trying for before 7!). Only 1 person there before me, and 3 licensing guys waiting for cars to look at. In and out in a bout 1/2 hour. May have been a lucky day, but didn't seem as though it was.

You can prepay your inspection fee if you want to turn up before the admin guys turn up (about 8.30am).

Try and be a bit friendly with the guy inspecting - I managed to talk about everything to do with LPG, 4wd, footy, midland redevelopment, how impressive the new looking bmw next door was, etc, etc. i think the guy looked under the bonnet for about 2 mins, and spoke for about 20 mins !!!

Hope all goes well, and whatever you do, don't go to Warwick - unless you really do have all day to kill!!

AnswerID: 243547

Follow Up By: Member - Stephen (WA) - Thursday, May 31, 2007 at 14:42

Thursday, May 31, 2007 at 14:42
My sentiments EXACTLY!!

Midland were a reasonable bunch of chaps who got the job done when I went in for a re-inspection after the DieselGas installation.

Warwick - well I still shudder when I think about it.... let's just leave it at slow and stupid.

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FollowupID: 504630

Reply By: jeffwa - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 18:23

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 18:23
Yeah, pay before hand and rock up early early early before the centre is open. That way you will have the best chance of it only taking a couple of hours.

As far as the lift goes, you are only techinically allowed 2" including suspension, tyres and body lift. (TOTAL).

4" maybe ok as long as it doesn't "look" out of proportion. If you are using coil spacers, maybe just pull them out for the day.

As far as tint gos, I'm pretty sure it's 35% and that includes REAR windows too. At the moment they seem to be cracking down on tint and use light metres to measure it so make sure it's legal otherise it'll mean another trip over the pits, more $$$ and time.

Make sure everything works. Interior lights, numberplate lights - all the little things, they will pick you up on them. Make sure there are absolutally no oil leaks, they will pick those up. If you have a weep or slow leak, degrease before you go over. In fact degrease the underneath and engine anyway, it'll go a long way to helping your cause.

Make sure there is no place in any of your bushes and that you have the wheels alighned.

They can be so picky that a guy on a local forum got picked up on not having his Spotlights connected.... Yes that's right, they were mounted to the front and weren't connected at all and he was told to remove them or wire them up... How that's dangerous bugger knows....
AnswerID: 243551

Reply By: Member - Rossco td105 - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 18:47

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 18:47
Hey Toytruck,

Most comments seem on the ball from above. Early at the inspection centre (earlier if at Warwick, I have wasted a couple of half days there in my younger years). Pay the fee up front so you are ready to go. You may get two 'chances' to go over the pits with the one fee (unless it has changed now...) to allow you to rectify anything they found on the first go.

As an aside I have a full set of factory springs you can "borrow" if you want to keep the inspection legal, not sure about the tint part, other than I have the contact details for a top shelf tint/security mobile install guy if it comes to that. Feel free to let me know if either is required.

Good Luck and welcome,

AnswerID: 243556

Follow Up By: Member - Toytruck (SA) - Friday, Jun 01, 2007 at 10:20

Friday, Jun 01, 2007 at 10:20
hold that thought. If I have any dramas I might take you up on the offer. Obviously we could come to some arrangement about rental costs i.e a coulpe of cartons of your favourite cordial:-)

Thanks for the kind offer, see how we go.

FollowupID: 504820

Follow Up By: Member - Rossco td105 - Friday, Jun 01, 2007 at 21:50

Friday, Jun 01, 2007 at 21:50
No prob mate,

Happy to help a fellow 4WD'er out.

I have a 75mm set as well if required, wouldn't notice the lift if you have a bit of gear in the truck...

FollowupID: 505016

Reply By: Sarg - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 21:13

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 21:13
They seem to be harder on interstate vehicles than local ones, unless you are a young D.H. with a yellow sticker. The window tint will be a definite disavantage.
AnswerID: 243608

Reply By: Member - bushfix - Thursday, May 31, 2007 at 14:28

Thursday, May 31, 2007 at 14:28

all my bad memories are coming back....when i was a youngster with a 1967 Mercedes. East Perth, Subiaco and WARWICK YES THOSE (*&$(#^%A

in the end i rang up their big boss in the CBD, told him I KNOW I am being vicitmised. To his credit and my amazement, he said "be at Subiaco tomorrow morning." True to his work he was there and he got me through.

lots of dollars, lots of time, lots of stress....

(bringing the heart rate down now)

geez mate, sorry about that....

good luck, I recommend you follow up the kind offer from RupertDog.
AnswerID: 243752

Follow Up By: Member - bushfix - Friday, Jun 01, 2007 at 10:34

Friday, Jun 01, 2007 at 10:34
errr, I meant the Phantom,

good doogs, looks the goods as you mention you will be living in Secret Harbour.
FollowupID: 504826

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