Saturday, Jun 16, 2007 at 09:14
We did the same in our local 4wd club, cost $20 each for the tool, then it got passed around, any spare shims went in the box, very rare that anyone had to buy shims after the first go round as there were spares in the box.
Interestingly most were done within 30 -40k of new and all were found to have a lot especially exhaust valves way out, usually tight. Setting them correctly resulted in much smoother running engines and better response from throttle inputs.
We also found that once they were done initially they rarely needed redoing until very high k's. You can
check them every 100k but they usuallyonly need redoing around the 150 - 200k mark.
Regular 5k oil changes and good quality oil actually made a difference to shim wear and having to reset them when compared between the engines. Those that only did 10k oil changes and weren't fussy on oil (used anything!) found that they needed doing at about 60 -70k intervals.
We also did a comparison on air cleaner elements, some used oiled foam and others used washable Tojo ones, by 100k the foam users burned more oil on long runs, interesting!