Jackaroo 3l t/d blowing smoke
Submitted: Sunday, Jun 01, 2003 at 22:21
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I have a 2000 model Jackaroo 3l turbo diesel which I think blows excessive black smoke under accelaration. The vehicle has only done 45000km and has been back to the dealer twice for checking. They reckon it is normal.
Does anyone have any experience with this?
Reply By: Magic - Sunday, Jun 01, 2003 at 22:41
Sunday, Jun 01, 2003 at 22:41
Hi Trevor
Change to Shell Diesel you will see the difference
Follow Up By: Trevor - Monday, Jun 02, 2003 at 21:19
Monday, Jun 02, 2003 at 21:19
Thanks Magic,
I have been using Castrol Magnatec 10-40 at 5000k intervals so far. Can you give me some more info on
Shell Diesel please.
Follow Up By: Magic - Monday, Jun 02, 2003 at 23:48
Monday, Jun 02, 2003 at 23:48
I have mazda bravo 2.5 L TDI each time I use other brand of diesel then
shell I see much more black smoke is coming while heavy acceleration try to run the car for a few hundreds km on
shell diesel fuel, my maz need 500 – 1000 k for the fuel adjustment ( at least two tanks)
I have been using
Mobil 1 5w-50 oil maybe the combination of fuel and oil make the difference.
Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Sunday, Jun 01, 2003 at 23:31
Sunday, Jun 01, 2003 at 23:31
45,000klms it shouldnt be blowing black smoke, unless you have had a bad batch of fuel... Surfs seem to do it lots I noticed 2 today! But Im off the tracks here.
Getting the dealer to do the injectors would be near on impossible as its around $75 per injector + removal and replace...
What has the dealer done so far to the car if anything, or have they just driven it? An option maybe to go to an independant mechanic, and ask them. Then if they agree with you, you have some ammo to use.
You could if you wanted try something like Nulon Injector cleaner, i used it on my GQ TD42 and have never looked back, worked a treat for me, it may or maynot work for you.
YMMV totally.
Follow Up By: Trevor - Monday, Jun 02, 2003 at 21:59
Monday, Jun 02, 2003 at 21:59
Thanks Truckster,
See my reply to the others for what has been done to the vehicle by the dealers.
I have avoided the use of any additive at this stage as I don't want to give the dealer the slightest excuse to wriggle out of any future warrenty claim.
Needless to say, as soon as it is out of warrenty the genuine isuzu $70 air filters and $48 oil filters will be a fading pothole on the highway of life
Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Tuesday, Jun 03, 2003 at 09:57
Tuesday, Jun 03, 2003 at 09:57
"as soon as it is out of warrenty the genuine isuzu $70 air filters and $48"
then go to somewhere else, Ultratune or any Mechanic, as long as its a licensed Mechanic that does the servicing, they cant say no to warranty. While at this other mechanic, get him to use Ryco filters, $10 oil and $20 for air filters too.... Also would be less hourly rate than Holden dealer.
Reply By: Old Jack - Monday, Jun 02, 2003 at 15:07
Monday, Jun 02, 2003 at 15:07
Dear Trevor,
our work's 3l jackaroo is a 2000 model with 74000klm on the clock, under hard accelaration it does produce some black smoke, under gentle -moderate accelartion it produces nill smoke, has been like this from day one, some smoke under hard accelaration is normal, but not lots of smoke. going back to basics with any diesel motor:-
has it got plenty of fresh Air? restricterd air filters make any diesel
smokey has it got a
snorkel fitted out of curiosity?
restricted fuel filters can cause problms too..
as for injectors at 45000k possibly a problem though at this mileage should not be, once again get Profesional advice from a repuitable diesel workshop before fronting up to the dealer.
be carefull with the use of fuel addatives & injection cleaners, over use of some of these can cause more problems than they fix as the nossels can become scored by over use, leading to injectors dribble(this applys also for petrol engines as
well). was a convert to using addatives every fourth tank until we changed fuel suppliers.
as someone else put
check the fuel you are buying as
well, some burn cleaner than others if you buy from one of the big three all the time this should not be a problem.
diesel exhaust smoke levels is a subjective thing, with the High pressure injection on these jacks smoke levels should be very low, problem is we get low grade diesel here in oz and until we go to european level low sulphur fuel a lot of these motors will continue to exhibite some exhaust smoke, oh and low sulphur fuel is not a new thing in France they have had low sulpher fuel and minimum 5% bio- diesel since 1972 ( they use rappe/canola oil esterized) the 5% bio diesel reduces the smoke level, lubricates the injection pump in place of the sulphur, they found that 1% was sufficient in place of the sulphur to prevent pump damage, at 5% total emmisions where reduced. also they are smart they made a market for there own oil seed growers as they legislated the minimum 5%. we are now 30 years behind the time with fuel!
anyway good luck & happy motoring
Follow Up By: Trevor - Monday, Jun 02, 2003 at 21:32
Monday, Jun 02, 2003 at 21:32
Thanks for the info Old Jack,
Yes the amount of smoke is exactly as you describe - if you drive it with a feather foot it runs clean but with plenty of torque available it seems a shame to feel guilty about pollution every time you want to give it a bootfull.
The air filter is clean (changed 5000k ago and only city running) but it was no different when it was first changed. There is no
snorkel fitted - not many creeks here in
Perth (havent had a decent rain in years)
Fuel consumption is normal 12l/100km at highway speed (auto trans)
so I think the injectors are ok but Ijust think that a modern engine such as this should blow almost no smoke.
Reply By: CJ - Monday, Jun 02, 2003 at 15:09
Monday, Jun 02, 2003 at 15:09
I have a similar truck (2001 manual) with the same km's and have the same problem.
This model has a general problem with cold starting and black smoke, and the fix is to install new injector pump seals and sleeve. This has been recognised by Holden and they should do the replacement under warrenty. This, together with the use of a 5W30 synthetic oil should solve your black smoke and cold start.
BUT my truck still blows more smoke than what I consider as normal for a modern diesel. It is a lot better after the new injector sleeve, but maybe I am only noticing the smoke now that I am paying particular attention to it (passanger mirror angled down). IMO it still blows more smoke compared to that of other vehicles.
I have had trucks keeping up with me when accellarating or going uphill, but blowing far less smoke than me.
My dealer is also trying to convince me that this is normal, and say that different year models have different levels of smoke. To me that is bulldust, as black smoke, however little, means unburnt fuel.
I have tried to use an additive that was recommended on this
forum (can't recall the name) but will try Nulon next. I also had my truck looked at by a respected diesel mech, and he too is of the opinion that it blows slightly more smoke than it should. Unfurtunately he doesn't have the software to plug into the Jack, as it is a modern engine and only Holden has the equipment. I think our problem lies there, as it now becomes our opinion versus the opinion of the dealer.
I do not have an answer to your problem, but hope my experience and observations help in some way. Please keep us posted.
Follow Up By: Trevor - Monday, Jun 02, 2003 at 21:50
Monday, Jun 02, 2003 at 21:50
Thanks for the advice CJ
The injector seals were replaced under warrenty at 35000km but it didn't solve the problem. The vehicle went back at 41000km and had a sleepover at the dealer so they could do a cold start
check. they claim the smoke is normal.
There is never a problem cold starting the vehicle - but
Perth doesnt get that cold anyway.
As you say it is a subjective thing, but you never see this much smoke coming out of other similar vehicles like GU Nissans or Discovery TD5's
I guess the next move might be to try 5-30 oil, something I have avoided up to now because of the flinching of the hip pocket nerve every time I look at the price!