walkers crossing

Submitted: Wednesday, Jun 04, 2003 at 20:51
ThreadID: 5289 Views:1979 Replies:6 FollowUps:4
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Can I tow my jayco off road camper along the walkers crossing track, public access route 16. What condition is this track in ? Any information will be appreiciated. cheers.......
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Reply By: Ruth - Wednesday, Jun 04, 2003 at 20:56

Wednesday, Jun 04, 2003 at 20:56
The Walkers Crossing Track is in very good condition at the moment, well-marked, which means that no-one has "lifted" the markers for souvenirs, as yet! Yes, you can tow your off-road trailer carefully across there. Happy & safe travelling.
AnswerID: 21871

Follow Up By: Member - Mal - Thursday, Jun 05, 2003 at 10:08

Thursday, Jun 05, 2003 at 10:08
Are you still at Birdsville or have you moved East?
Mal T.
FollowupID: 14322

Reply By: Ruth - Thursday, Jun 05, 2003 at 12:05

Thursday, Jun 05, 2003 at 12:05
Still here Mal, they haven't managed to run me out of town yet - only 4 - 10 years to go! Left your card east. Going that way about 6 october as sparky will wire the shed and we begin the house, hopefully. Be east for a couple of months. Ring me.
has anyone seen Happy Trails Mike - just want to thank him for the Anniversary Dinner we are having on 14 June at the Birdsville Pub (only 6 years of wedded bliss and it feels like 60). Weather is great out here - just geting cooler now so the flies will buzz off. Desert good - soft and sandy. Fishing has been excellent - going to be better at Diamantina Lakes when the water goes down and we can get in again.
Plenty of camels down the K1 and even brumbies and foals also.
AnswerID: 21909

Follow Up By: Member - Bob - Thursday, Jun 05, 2003 at 16:01

Thursday, Jun 05, 2003 at 16:01
I agree with you about the flies Ruth. They were shocking at Easter (not just Birdsville). Everyone looking like a dork with those big $8 fly nets. I bought a set of tyres at one of the garages - are you associated with any of the businesses there?
FollowupID: 14355

Reply By: Ruth - Thursday, Jun 05, 2003 at 16:16

Thursday, Jun 05, 2003 at 16:16
Hi Bob, from one dork to another! Even I wore a fly net this year. Noticed a number of visitng dogs who wore them as well. Yes I am connected to a business here but I don't sell $8 fly nets!! The visitors were telling me that in a town well east of here the price went up to $15 for a fly net. Other visitors have reported their fly nets being stolen from their hats. The pesky little things did not appear until nearly 10:00 a.m. today - was little too cool and tomorrow should be cooler.
Safe travels.
AnswerID: 21930

Follow Up By: Member - Bob - Friday, Jun 06, 2003 at 12:20

Friday, Jun 06, 2003 at 12:20
We found the fly nets could be left on most of the time but consuming anything other than clear liquids leaves an unsightly residue in the netting.
FollowupID: 14418

Reply By: Mike - Friday, Jun 06, 2003 at 10:43

Friday, Jun 06, 2003 at 10:43
Hi Ruth, glad to hear from you. So happy you are going to enjoy a night out, if the folk here knew what you did for us, I'm sure they would agree that it was precious little reward. Once again thank you for your hospitality last trip, I'm still trying to fit in another trip up there.

Happy trails, Mike.
AnswerID: 21978

Follow Up By: Mike - Friday, Jun 06, 2003 at 10:44

Friday, Jun 06, 2003 at 10:44
Oh! BTW, happy anniversary.

Happy trails, Mike.
FollowupID: 14410

Reply By: Ruth - Saturday, Jun 07, 2003 at 17:39

Saturday, Jun 07, 2003 at 17:39
Thank you so much Mike. Have been wondering where you were and if you had been having happy trails. I can't find your details in my black book - must have left them east with Member Mal's. In case we ran away from here and went south for a few days look at something other than Desert. Went to check Big Red today because there had been a number of complaints about being unable to get over any part of it. Well, well it was not easy but I had some fun - not my car but a Nissan Navarra ute, gee they bounce. The western side of "little" red (where the road goes - I use road lightly) has the main dune and a secondary dune with a dog leg. People insist on travelling the Desert without reducing their tyre pressure so cannot get over "little" red, "big" red, chicken run or another one they aren't supposed to know about. One fellow who has written letters of complaint refused to change his tyre pressure lower than 29 psi for the whole of the Desert, when he finally got here had some tyres fixed and then pumped all road tyres to 60 psi to hit the dirt home in his Toyota. Can you believe it? Yes I can. I had several conversations with him - I tried to. Needless to say, the approaches are really rough and cut up but people still think they need speed. There were a number of very fizzy stubbies on the western side just left there. Esky lids, sunglasses as well.
AnswerID: 22042

Reply By: Jurgen - Sunday, Jun 08, 2003 at 23:43

Sunday, Jun 08, 2003 at 23:43
Walkers Crossing track. I've just been on it following a trip across the Simpson. The Walkers crossing track on 30/5/03 was in very good condition. No problems with a camper trailer.
AnswerID: 22100

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