Sunday, Jan 13, 2008 at 12:53
The advice from Richard should be followed, IMHO.
The Toyota dealership checks run to attaching a separate device called a ABS Actuator Checker which can be useful in diagnosing whether the Hydraulic Brake Booster unit is functioning correctly.
When the ABS light comes on like yours has, it is usually either Brake Fluid level not high enough, [you can see this for yourself], or the Brake Booster unit is malfunctioning, which in itself may be one of several issues.
If you get the codes [DTC numbers] and post them, we may be able to help refine the problem.
The code numbers you may see are in the range 42, or 51,52,53,54,56 and possibly but unlikely 57.
If the problem is in the solenoid relays the codes are, 11,12,21,22,23,25,26.
If the codes are the wheel speed sensors the codes are,
31 right front, 32 left front, 33 right rear, 34 left rear.
The deceleration sensor codes are 43,44,45.
As you can see there is a bit to play with, that is why the Toyota service people are you best bet.