Saturday, Jan 19, 2008 at 07:05
Gotta tell you this one ,
When I was an Inter-league trainer, for the now defunct,
Latrobe Valley Football League. ( Aussie Rlues, real footy )
I was at training at Moe, one night, and dropped my mobile into the urinal, and yes it was as I flushed. Fully submersed by about 6-8" of that wonderful mixture.
Was the talk of the night, at tea later on, and to make matters worse, I just gave it a shake, and the bloody thing started to ring..
Yuk ,, ! no one wanted to pick it up ,, Can't understand why ?
Just gave it 3 days to "dry out" on one of those instant boiling water thingys at work's smoko room, and presto she worked..
6 monhs later it finally died..
Moral of story ,,, some you win, some you don't !
Cheers all