Bunyip Working Bee

Submitted: Tuesday, Jun 10, 2003 at 16:01
ThreadID: 5384 Views:1824 Replies:0 FollowUps:0
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From 4wd association site.

BUNYIP STATE PARK WORKING BEE - 14th and 15th June 2003

This is an URGENT reminder about this event.

The Bunyip State Park is a popular destination for many metropolitan and inner regional clubs, however pressure from encroaching suburban development is threatening our access and many tracks are either being closed, as required under the current management plan, or under threat of closure. There are particular noise issues related to trailbike use that, while not our responsibility, are impacting on access and threatening even more drastic control measures on all recreational vehicle use The method used by Parks Vic to close tracks is certainly effective and absolutely prevents 4WD and trailbike access, but has been described by many four wheelers as vandalism. I have encouraged Parks Vic to run a weekend over which they will explain their rationale in the method used to close tracks and the impact it has on regeneration. The opportunity is also being taken to do a little work on the Nash Ck camping area. Overlaying all this is the intention by Parks Vic to commence a review of the current Park management plan in the new financial year. My bet is that Bunyip will become a National Park in the process. It is crucial that we have a strong and widely based input into this process. Whether your club uses Bunyip Park or not it is even more crucial that you are represented at the June open days and give'm hell! The groundwork we do now, both in representing our views on track closures and being prepared to contribute positively at the working bee, will be of the utmost importance in setting the scene for the management plan review. Please make sure you send members of your club along to one or both days. If you do nothing now you can expect more track closures and access restrictions.
Your decision!

Ian Lacey
FWD Vic rep Bunyip Focus Group"
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