Really neat panel design and manufacture

Submitted: Saturday, Feb 02, 2008 at 23:20
ThreadID: 54161 Views:1616 Replies:1 FollowUps:0
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If you want to do a one off panel for switches and monitors in your fourby or trailer take a look at this site, I came across it today in Silicon Chip mag.
Frontn panel design

You download free software, design the size of the panel, cutouts and text / logos, then press go and it is manufactured and sent to you.

What a great way to put all those switches and gages together.
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Reply By: Member - Olcoolone (S.A) - Sunday, Feb 03, 2008 at 10:11

Sunday, Feb 03, 2008 at 10:11
It's a good idea, the company you are talking about is based in Seattle, Washington.

There are a fair few companys who do it here aimed at the engineering sector who do prototyping.

It's sad an Australian mag has to recondmend OS companys before the ones here.

The downloadable softwre side is a fantastic for every day people to use.

Regards Richard
AnswerID: 285268

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