campers ...agin!!

Submitted: Monday, Feb 04, 2008 at 20:32
ThreadID: 54241 Views:3479 Replies:8 FollowUps:8
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I know Jimbo can make what I want…but I need to know what I want. (By easter…lol )

Soft floor campers (Jimbos) V hard floor KK etc etc when it comes to Storage Space.

All the hard floor units have very limited storage space under bed area with low sides and generally having a cargo box up front on extended draw bar while soft floor have high sides in comparison and can also have extended draw bar and additional cargo storage space on draw bar.

I need info from those who have KK and changed to soft or vice virca…….
If going from KK to soft floor did you enjoy extra storage space under bed area

Need to know so I can draw mud map for “Best off road”

Ie whats best
Extended draw bar with storage up front with low sides?..
Under bed with high sides and with up front storage as well?…
Did a kk style suit your needs for storage ( I have 2 ankle biters as well as swmbo…bugga)?…

etcx etc etc
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Reply By: Member - nigel P (NSW) - Monday, Feb 04, 2008 at 21:59

Monday, Feb 04, 2008 at 21:59
I think you answered your own question.
'All the hard floor units have very limited storage space under bed area with low sides and generally having a cargo box up front on extended draw bar while soft floor have high sides in comparison and can also have extended draw bar and additional cargo storage space on draw bar."

go to a show or showroom with a simple roll mat and consider where you are going to put 2 of those, plus the personal bags etc. The only hard floor I've seen that goes close was one that folded out to double the floor space. That was then close to a soft top.
Great idea to be off the ground, but everybody has to have a comfy bed, without being stepped on by night walkers!
AnswerID: 285661

Reply By: Mainey (wa) - Monday, Feb 04, 2008 at 23:21

Monday, Feb 04, 2008 at 23:21
Nudie, isn't the local Camping an 4wd show on next month ??

AnswerID: 285690

Follow Up By: Member No 1- Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 07:23

Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 07:23
next week to be exact...but i have enough brochures to fire up the BBQ for a weekend or so......

i must be procasting too much eh?
FollowupID: 550705

Follow Up By: Mainey (wa) - Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 08:51

Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 08:51
Why not take the day off, an go look at the 'new' idea's available, you may be able to compare the different camper configurations side by side

My own thoughts are to order an extra 'high sided' trailer and you can then use the added under bed space for just soo many different things you really didn't need to take anyway lol
you can have mine for ~5k

Mainey . . .
FollowupID: 550717

Follow Up By: Member No 1- Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 09:57

Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 09:57
Me,... take the day off? betchya i am

been doing that for the last 4/5s or so and still cant make up my mind...i like the hard floor for their ease of flipping over and alls ready for sleeping...but doubt their storage capacity for my needs

the more i keep thinking about it the more it looks like a high side soft floor....where else can you stick all the stuff one needs for fishing/hunting etc ...not too mention that amber nectar
FollowupID: 550728

Reply By: Member - Duncs - Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 08:45

Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 08:45

I probably respond to every camper trailer post that comes up here. I looked at them at shows etc.. for about 6 years before I bought one 11 years ago. As I travel around I look at them in camp grounds and caravan parks. I am probably a bit biased because the one I have I love, it is the standard by which I judge all others.

I have not seen a hard floor that comes close to mine for storage space or living area.Mine also sets up quicker than anything else I have seen. While KK owners are putting up the awning to give some protection over the kitchen I am sitting in the shade of my integrated, if somewhat small, awning. We have never had a problem with the soft floor. I know people who think they are terrible, what if it floods? Isn't it cold? Well in 11years it has never flooded and with the carpet on the floor it is not cold either.

I have access to all my storage without disturbing the beds and without going outside. I can open the back doors on the GU without uncoupling and with the camper set up.

It has been around, with lots of use in some pretty tough country and the only thing that has broken is the cable for the override brakes. I replaced the original with a boat trailer winch cable and included some protection on wear points that was 7 years ago, no problems since.

I am not saying mine is the only good camper out there but it is the best I have seen for us. We have 3 kids and we don't travel light. It is not perfect but the problems are not huge. I have modified the guy ropes which has mostly solved the problem it has in strong winds, and it is a bit light on for ventilation, newer models have more windows.

There is probably more I like about it which I will remember as soon as I post this reply. I think I have made my point though. It is a Trak Shak and it will remain my favourite camping accessory until the kids no longer travel with us. Then I will buy something smaller, probably a tray top.

Hope this helps
AnswerID: 285724

Reply By: Member - Tim - Stratford (VIC) - Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 10:20

Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 10:20

It depends on your budget. If you really want a KK you won't be disappointed.

We got an 05 KK Platinum and are in the same boat as yourself - SWMBO + 2 kids, now 9 & 11. There is heaps of room in the KK. I generally carry all canvas, including walls and kids bedroom on top of the kamper. In the storage box, driver's side, I carry 2 camp ovens, 2, large tarp, all the pegs,poles etc, buckets, mats, grill, fuel, lantern & Honda 20 generator.

The truck carries the chainsaw and foldup chairs plus the 40 litre engel.

The 73 litre fridge is a pearler - fits heaps of food, especially if the home cryovac/vacuum sealer is used on meat prior to packing. We generally carry 12 cans of choice in the kamper fridge and keep topping them up from the car fridge - pays to have a few handy....

All clothes and some bedding go under the bed in the pull out drawer. This includes kids underlays, sleeping bags and extra blankets. The kids sleep in the optional kids room on COI bunk beds. These pull down and lay flat on our bed for transport. Our bed is always made and pillows travel on the bed as well.

It's amzing how much food you can fit into pantry areas and beside the sink.

If you're thinking of a new KK then there is even more storage space with the new front box. The new KK also has the attached awning which doesn't need poles - so bloody quick setup.

It all comes down to preferences etc and your choice - but I don't think you'll be disappointed with a KK.

AnswerID: 285735

Follow Up By: Member - Tim - Stratford (VIC) - Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 10:26

Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 10:26
Forgot to mention - if going for a KK again I would go with the solar option - this would save carrying a generator on most trips and reduce weight/increase storage - the panels can get carried on top of the storage box.

FollowupID: 550732

Follow Up By: Member No 1- Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 12:26

Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 12:26
but with the change from a soft floor unit i can buy some more toys along the lines of whats in my rig pic
FollowupID: 550746

Follow Up By: Member - Tim - Stratford (VIC) - Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 15:03

Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 15:03
You'd have enough to trade the Walther for a McMillan Bros 50 I reckon :-)

FollowupID: 550771

Follow Up By: Member No 1- Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 15:51

Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 15:51
that would be nice eh...i can only keep on dreaming
FollowupID: 550775

Reply By: Axel [ the real one ] - Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 10:24

Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 10:24
1st camper trailer was a soft floor rear fold , very high sides , mattress was 5ft 6inches from the ground ,needed a step ladder ,bulk storage however,, needs over time change and 2nd c/t was the Pacific all ally side fold soft floor 12ft ,once again bulk storage under bed,lots of room for bunks / kids ect ,still needed to take a step ladder to gt into / out of bed ,,,, needs over time change ,, now on 3rd c/t = rear fold hard floor Campomatic ranger mk3 ,yes lots less storage but no step ladder required ,easier to set up and the young fellow [9yrs old] loves his swag and the independance it allows him [ not being in the same general tent section] is a bonus for when swmbo requires a touch of ?? you get the picture,,,,
AnswerID: 285737

Reply By: Jim from Best Off Road - Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 11:07

Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 11:07

I'll have an off roader built by the end of next week. Supplier has only just got stock of the new trailer and it a ripper. Off Road, 7 x 4, galvanised, 23 inch sides, 3 Jerry holders, 1 gas bottle holder, water tank holder/protector. Comes with 3 new tyres and wheels, Landcruiser stud pattern.

The unit I'm building will have storage space to burn. I'm fitting a set of full length drawers which will sit 16 inches high, allowing a 7 inch (175mm) gap between the top of the drawers and the bed base for storing large items such as tables and chairs.

Pricing yet to be finalised but probably around $6,500.

Should be done by the end of next week and I'll put up some photos.


AnswerID: 285741

Follow Up By: Member No 1- Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 12:19

Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 12:19
i'll keep an eye out for the pics

and you keep an eye out for my list of items i want on one
FollowupID: 550744

Reply By: Member - Captain (WA) - Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 12:36

Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 12:36
Hi Nudie,

So many choices and so many compromises...

I have 2 kids (10,8) plus SWMBO and we find the Camprite to be the best camper for us IMHO. Obviously everything is a compromise and your own needs will sway what is "best".

What I really like about the Camprite is:
-off the ground setup for all, with beds already made,
-very quick setup, no pegs or guy ropes - can be done well under 5 minutes easily
-can leave vehicle attached, but opening of door is restricted to a degree
-enough room inside to put a small table for meals without having to set annexe up if weather bad
-huge amount of room with annexe setup
-big storage box upfront
-can easily carry my 2 kayaks that do not have to be removed at night to set up
-can be fully locked up and is very secure if leaving unattended (when not setup)
-many other things I cannot think of right now?

What is a compromise that can be annoying;
-storage of food crates/chairs/etc... is on floor of camper and has to be put aside once set up(but can easily be put at ends of single beds)
-unless you set camper up, you crawl under the double bed to access the end storage draws when initially packing for trip.

My BIL hired a Pioneer CT (very similair to Kimberly - is a hard floor) and while its a great camper, having 2 kids, the beds took up all the free space and was a pain setting up the beds each night. He has just bought a new Camprite after that comparo.

Overall, I am very happy with the Camprite and can easily live with the compromises. The build quality is exceptional and it can be easily towed anywhere your vehicle can get to. They are not cheap, but with parrallel bearings, independent coil suspension with Rancho shocks as standard, aluminium checker plate tub on steel chassis etc... you get an idea of the quality

No camper is perfect, otherwise you would not see all these threads about "what is the best..." but as you can see I am very happy with mine.



AnswerID: 285751

Reply By: madcow - Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 14:42

Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 14:42
Something else to think about is a recovery point for one!! Can also double as a bike carrier. We own a soft floor and put shadecloth underneath the floor to protect it.
AnswerID: 285763

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