finaly fitted a "pie"rometer
Submitted: Saturday, Feb 09, 2008 at 11:17
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for years now i have been useing a clean toolbox mounted just above the exhaust manifold to heat pies and pasties,you know the ones you buy a heap of when they are on special for 99c and kids grab as soon as they get
home from school and devoure in a frenzy.
so if we are touring some out of the way place,i have packed a supply in the esky,so an hour or two befor needed i take orders, stop and fill the pie warmer. hence we can stop for a break hundreds of
miles from anywhere an have hot pies for lunch on a cold day.
anyway i just fitted a turbo and while driving along the other day, i triuphantly said to my wife, "i finally fitted a pyrometer"
wife says----"to tell us when there done, oh your amaising"
Reply By: blue one - Saturday, Feb 09, 2008 at 15:19
Saturday, Feb 09, 2008 at 15:19
Reply By: Member - Bob I (WA) - Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 at 12:44
Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 at 12:44
Mate, had a good one back in the mid 60's when working in the north/west of WA and roadhouses were 300k's apart and only a few open 24/7 beyond
Carnarvon on the coast route and Mt Magnet on the inland run. Made a box out of 1/4 inch plate bit enough to hold a can of beans and a can of little boys in vegies. The box was mounted by using a long brass nut screwed onto two manifold studs then bolts thru the side of the box into the long bolts. It took about an hours driving to get the tucker really hot (would spurt out juices when the can was punctured). Sure beat waiting for a
camp fire to heat up, and no washing up except the enamal plate and fighting gear. Transfered the box to several vehicles over the years with only slight mods. The only problem one was a
WB Holden V8 so had to mod to go low on the exhaust pipe.
Reply By: Member - Matt (Perth-WA) - Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 at 14:48
Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 at 14:48
Ben Darke did this on his Aussie trips in the HQ statesman...had a presure cooker pot mounted under the bonnet of the old Q and would throw in all the stock, mean and potatoes and when he pulle dup he had a beautiful stew ready to eat!!
Necessity is the mother of all invention!