04 Navara dual cab rear window shattering
Submitted: Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 at 20:14
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Hi Guys,
Three weeks ago a very good mate rings me with this unbelievable story.
He's sitting in his 04 Navara (Warranty runs out in March) on a wet day waiting for his wife to come out of a
shop, when he hears a crack noise like a gun shot. He gets out and looks around for kids throwing rocks. Sits back in his Cab, Misses comes out and asks what happen the rear window. The only thing keeping together is the Tint. The tints about 9 months old. and it is installed by a certified Nissan tinter to cover warranty.
Anyway he goes to the local Windscrenseen obrien's, who tells him its a common problem with the rear demister. So he goes to the local Nissan Dealer who argues it not covered under warranty. He produces the warranty documents and is told it's not covered. My mate tells the local Nissan dealer he's not happy about having his 6 month and 3 year old in the car when it happened, and he's told he is lucky that it was tinted other wize it would of bleep tered all over them.
He goes back to the tinter and he's not a happy camper to say the lest about his work being blamed for the bleep tering. Especially when Nissan send him the cars from new to be tinted.
I'm just wondering if this has happened to anybody else and what has Nissan done about.
My Mate claimed it on his car insurance. And it is fixed nowI told him to get his car insurer to chase Nissan for it since it is a design fault.
Any thoughts would be very appreciated.
Reply By: PradOz - Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 at 20:25
Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 at 20:25
hi there - what made them think the tint was to blame? if the tint is at fault you would think there would be rear windows bleep tering all over the country everyday
cheers mick
Follow Up By: Hairs - Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 at 20:35
Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 at 20:35
Hi Mick,
My Mate, Mark said one of the first things the Nissan manager said was that it was Metallic tint and it was the heat in the Metal that caused it, Mark showed him the necessary paper work to say it wasn't Metallic, Besides I believe that Nissan would argue about it just to get out of paying, hoping Mark would just give up..
Follow Up By: Stephen M (NSW) - Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 at 22:03
Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 at 22:03
Hi Hairs, what a load of sh@t Nissan has told your mate to say it was the metal in the tint film (even though it was proven that it was not metal). Every single vehicle I have had tinted by my mate Glen he has applied metal film as it reflects the heat better and is more scratch resistant. PradOz has just had his done and bet he had had no cracked rear window not including every body ese running around with tinted windows. As usual just Nissan letting down there customers and tryig to palm their bullsh it with the customer. Regards Steve M
Reply By: Hairs - Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 at 20:57
Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 at 20:57
Hi Guys,
I forgot to mention you can see the bleep ter starts at where the wiring connects to the electrical strip.
Reply By: Ianw - Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 at 23:12
Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 at 23:12
Lets all jump on the band wagon... We can blame Nissan for everything!!! I bet they even made the glass window. (Not!!)
Reply By: Ianw - Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 at 23:54
Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 at 23:54
Why would you blame it on a design fault? There has not been any other reports of this happening (on this
forum anyhow). Maybe it was a
rock! Accept it for what it was - a one off ocurrance, and get on with life!!!
Follow Up By: Hairs - Monday, Feb 11, 2008 at 10:45
Monday, Feb 11, 2008 at 10:45
With respect Ian,
that's Crap. He had two little girls in the back when it happened. If they got hurt from a design fault your saying to "get on with life!!!"
one of two things can happen here, 1) Nissan acknowledge there is a design fault and fix the problem and replace free of charge under warranty the rear window, that's all my mate asks. end of story. 2) He starts making noises to the Dept of fair trading, and the MTA.(maybe two more toothless tigers)
Mark rang me this morning and told me he has met another Navara owner that had the same problem two years ago. He did not have tint on his. They refused to come to the party.
Whats the cost of replacing it compared to the bad publicity Nissan will get.
Maybe Nissan should "get on with life" and do the right thing by their customers.
Follow Up By: Ianw - Monday, Feb 11, 2008 at 22:38
Monday, Feb 11, 2008 at 22:38
A window is a window is a window. Windows are made of glass. Glass sometimes breaks. Windows sometimes bleep ter a long time after suffering some sort of impact. Maybe the demister element got too hot at the terminal. Who knows. But THERE IS NO DESIGN FAULT!!!! Do you honestly think Nissan will give a hoot about replacing a piece of glass when they are not even at fault. Chase up the glass manufacturer if you think it will help. Bad publicity??? Nissan thrives on it!! Fair trading? Go for it. $20 says they will have a good laugh. MTA - same.
Follow Up By: Hairs - Monday, Feb 18, 2008 at 12:51
Monday, Feb 18, 2008 at 12:51
Hi Ian,
The chap, mark spoke with that had the same problem, sold his 04 model and told Nissan they could stick their cars where the sun don't shine. He sold his within two weeks of it happening.This was at the time of it's first service.
I spoke with a Patrol owner who had it happen to his 06 model. Nissan again refused to acknowledge to problem. He is in the process of selling his.
You mention " But THERE IS NO DESIGN FAULT!!!!" yet Windscrenseen obrien's say that there is a problem and when the glass is replaced it will not happen again. Could it be just possible that Nissan out sourced it's windows for the some models and they where made from cheap crappy glass. Nissan wouldn't do that, would they? Cut overheads.
The window Tinter is just about to pull his contract with Nissan because they have blamed his work and refuse to talk about it and acknowledge the problem.
But then again this could be a mass conspiracy against Nissan.
How dare anyone rubbish their name!!!
I guess this is the end of the story.
Too many freaks and not enough circus's
Reply By: snow - Monday, Feb 11, 2008 at 12:52
Monday, Feb 11, 2008 at 12:52
It will be interesting to hear of any other ocurrences.
I had an '03 Navara, just sold it late last year but never had this occur either...fortunately.
Reply By: swampy460 - Monday, Feb 11, 2008 at 20:06
Monday, Feb 11, 2008 at 20:06
Hi there just wondering if he has accidently left the demistor on and has caused excess heat at the joint.
Dunno just a thought
Follow Up By: Hairs - Monday, Feb 11, 2008 at 20:18
Monday, Feb 11, 2008 at 20:18
Hi Swampy,
He said he was sitting there waiting for his misses to come out of the
shop. I'm figuring maybe ten minutes at max. I'll ask him.
And let you know.
Reply By: Member - John (Vic) - Monday, Feb 18, 2008 at 13:09
Monday, Feb 18, 2008 at 13:09
Sounds like a crook batch of window glass???
Or maybe a pressure point on the glass due to a crook installation causing a stress breakage??
Any which way as you have found out and as we have all seen posted on here before Nissan just ducks for cover.
Follow Up By: Hairs - Monday, Feb 18, 2008 at 14:55
Monday, Feb 18, 2008 at 14:55
Thats what I'm figgering too, that it was a bad batch of rear windows. Now Marks $400.00 out of pocket, time to go and get it re tinted.
The thing that is getting under my mates skin is that his kids could of been injured and nobody seems to give a toss about that fact. Thank god they weren't. My mates happy enough with the Navara, it's just the attitude that Nissan have sometimes. Mays Motors in
Ballina have been fantastic when it comes to ordering parts for him, Eg: the key for the roof racks. Weather shields. The guys in
Grafton don't what anything to do with it. He wanted to buy those things and was told they don't stock them any more.
I've got an 86 vl bommerdore with the Nissan 6 in it. I wanted the hose that goes from the injector body to the tappet cover with two different size ends. The Holden dealer was out of them, $27.50. I went to Nissan they want $54.95. I got Holden to order it for me.
Nissan did not have them in stock either.
The last couple of years customer service has fallen by the wayside with some companies, it disgusting.
The 50, 50, 90 rule.
when you have a fifty, fifty choose, 90% of the time you'll choose wrong.