Lap top
Submitted: Sunday, Feb 17, 2008 at 21:44
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Hi to one and all, I have a 17inch Acer lap top with Next G wireless card, what I need to know if any body has got better reception with an external antena and what type i s it, thanks 2Gee`s
Reply By: Dunaruna - Sunday, Feb 17, 2008 at 22:02
Sunday, Feb 17, 2008 at 22:02
I have a 3db gain antenna and get about 100 metres. Right now, I'm about 50 metres away from the antenna and there are 5 walls between me and it, my reception is 'very good'.
I noticed the other day that jaycar has a new 9db omni dish antenna, might give it a try if the finance manager lets me.
Follow Up By: Member - JohnR (Vic)&Kath - Sunday, Feb 17, 2008 at 23:29
Sunday, Feb 17, 2008 at 23:29
Dunaruna, I think I detect you are talking about wi-fi rather than Next G. I wondered what the 100 metres referred to as Next G goes many kilometres.
We have wi-fi networks here going 600 metres with better antennas for multipoint bridges. If you go for a dish type you should transmit a lot further, but an omni dish? Omni directional is all around - non directional. I have an omni stick of about 9dB gain.
Follow Up By: Member - Doug T (FNQ) - Sunday, Feb 17, 2008 at 23:32
Sunday, Feb 17, 2008 at 23:32
He's about Wireless Internet, not Wireless network PC to PC
Follow Up By: 2-GEE,s - Tuesday, Feb 19, 2008 at 21:50
Tuesday, Feb 19, 2008 at 21:50
Dunaruna, thanks for your answers but is not from computer to computer, but I need it to use my SKYPE over the net phone, Thanks Frank
Reply By: Member - bungarra (WA) - Sunday, Feb 17, 2008 at 22:52
Sunday, Feb 17, 2008 at 22:52
I have a 17' acer laptop with the next g wireless card....connection often dropped out.....I now have a small antenna that plugs into it and then is velcroed on the back of the screen when open...only about 4" long....
has made a huge difference in signal stablity and bar it from Telstra...dont have it here in this office but I will
check it out and tell you what it is if you wish
Follow Up By: Emanuel - Tuesday, Feb 19, 2008 at 21:58
Tuesday, Feb 19, 2008 at 21:58
Thanks bungarra, Ihave had a look t the 4inch antena but do they work right off the beaten track or should I buy one of the broom handle ones, thanks 2-Gee`s
Follow Up By: Member - bungarra (WA) - Thursday, Feb 21, 2008 at 15:45
Thursday, Feb 21, 2008 at 15:45
without the small antennae it was hopeless here on our property (remote according to Telstra!..not according to us)
with the little antennae is is very good and stable...cannot comment on the broomstick as yet although I have just purchased one for the 'cruiser
Reply By: Member - JohnR (Vic)&Kath - Sunday, Feb 17, 2008 at 23:21
Sunday, Feb 17, 2008 at 23:21
2-GEE,s I use a Maxon Next G modem, the two antenna type but have an external as a base antenna as a primary antenna. It is a broomstick type and gets great signal even through the trees around our area.
I also have a magnetic base one too that can be on the car or caravan. They do enhance signal quite a lot.
Follow Up By: Emanuel - Tuesday, Feb 19, 2008 at 22:08
Tuesday, Feb 19, 2008 at 22:08
John, thanks for all the info , I,am interested in the magnetic base one you mentioned but does it inhance the reception as much as the broom handle plus I like the magnetic base because its portable, Ihave a in built modem and a Next G siera
orange card that slips on the side of my lap top, Thanks Frank
Follow Up By: Member - JohnR (Vic)&Kath - Tuesday, Feb 19, 2008 at 23:36
Tuesday, Feb 19, 2008 at 23:36
Emanuel, the magnetic base one is only half the height of the broomstick one. If it is approximately the same in dB gain (3--5 dB) then placement is then the criteria I would look to achieve. The Next G frequency is pretty close to CDMA and there are plenty to suit either system.
When I say placement and in our area with trees I am thinking you need to try higher and lower placement with a shorter antenna as you never know if you are going to go under or aver the thicker parts of a series of trees. If you had a really bad problem, you can buy a Yagi antenna, but they are more expensive generally speaking.
It is going to be a trial and error thing I think Frank. I am pretty confident you can enhance performance though.
Reply By: Member - Derek L (QLD) - Monday, Feb 18, 2008 at 01:04
Monday, Feb 18, 2008 at 01:04
Hi 2-Gee's I use a next g turbo card in a acer lap top and the reception is fine. I have found it to a bit doughy when it overcast outside but all in all it works here at
home and when I'm out west.
Follow Up By: Emanuel - Tuesday, Feb 19, 2008 at 22:10
Tuesday, Feb 19, 2008 at 22:10
Hi Derek, do yo use an external antena when you are west, thanks Frank
Follow Up By: Member - Derek L (QLD) - Wednesday, Feb 20, 2008 at 21:23
Wednesday, Feb 20, 2008 at 21:23
G'day Frank the next G turbo card is just the standard one you get from telstra it is the
orange one. I just plug it into the side of the lap top and away I go. I get great reception in and out of my ute and in and out of motel rooms.
Reply By: Dunedigger - Wednesday, Feb 20, 2008 at 07:54
Wednesday, Feb 20, 2008 at 07:54
I have a NextG USB card, ( uses power from USB cable. ) You can use a USB extension cable and then hang the 'card' on a window sill or whatever to get it away form the computer , sometime works better lower down. Ebay or any computer
shop will have it
I have a directional aerial and NextG internet reception is actually better that CDMA using the same aerial.