petrol through the center

Submitted: Sunday, Feb 24, 2008 at 16:25
ThreadID: 54879 Views:4781 Replies:3 FollowUps:9
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Whats the availability of petrol stops through the center from adelaide to darwin??? Are they longer than 400 Km distances?
I can get 800 from a tank BUT towing its more like half that. Will i need carry extra fuel. im NOT planning any side excursions except for Uluru...
And advice greatly appreciated. Rod
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Reply By: customline - Sunday, Feb 24, 2008 at 16:40

Sunday, Feb 24, 2008 at 16:40
You shouldn't have a problem but if it makes you feel more secure take jerry can or two of fuel just in case you decide to do a side excursion.have fun.
AnswerID: 289128

Reply By: Hairy (NT) - Sunday, Feb 24, 2008 at 17:50

Sunday, Feb 24, 2008 at 17:50
No mate you dont need to carry fuel, there are plenty of fuel stops within range.
Remember some places will have OPAL fuel instead of unleaded so if your a petrol I would serioously consider using premium if you dont already.

AnswerID: 289132

Follow Up By: rredbeak - Sunday, Feb 24, 2008 at 18:13

Sunday, Feb 24, 2008 at 18:13
Whats Opal fuel ? or shouldnt i ask LOL...Rod
FollowupID: 554464

Follow Up By: Member - JohnR (Vic)&Kath - Sunday, Feb 24, 2008 at 18:18

Sunday, Feb 24, 2008 at 18:18
OPAL is without the special vapours some may like to sniff. Most readily available....... Shoulda let Hairy tell you bout that.
FollowupID: 554467

Follow Up By: Hairy (NT) - Sunday, Feb 24, 2008 at 18:33

Sunday, Feb 24, 2008 at 18:33
Yep...Like John said..sort of
There has already been one death from sniffing OPAL, and in most places around the centre Unleaded is NOT available at all only OPAL or Premiun and diesel.

OPAL is crap fuel and I would not run it in any of my engines although a lot of people on this forum will tell you different.

Do a search on OPAL if you like and make your own decision but Ive tried it and refuse to use it. Most locals say the same thing.....your call.

FollowupID: 554471

Follow Up By: rredbeak - Sunday, Feb 24, 2008 at 20:14

Sunday, Feb 24, 2008 at 20:14
ill take your advice and use premium.Many Tnx..Cheers..Rod
FollowupID: 554491

Follow Up By: Kumunara (NT) - Monday, Feb 25, 2008 at 19:06

Monday, Feb 25, 2008 at 19:06
Opal fuel has the hydocarbons removed. Hydocarbons produce a "High" when sniffed and therefore petrol sniffers do not bother to sniff it.

One lad at Hermansberg however sniffed opal fuel until the vapours filled his lungs and he asphyxiated.

There is an urban myth that Opal Fuel can cause problems with motors. There have been a number of studies on this fuel and all have found no problems with it. AANT have endorsed the fuel. If a vehicle is 1986 or younger it is supposed to be better for it than unleaded.

Some places in the NT are Management Areas under the Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention Act. Only vehicles fuelled with Opal or Diesel can enter those areas.

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FollowupID: 554623

Follow Up By: Hairy (NT) - Tuesday, Feb 26, 2008 at 20:54

Tuesday, Feb 26, 2008 at 20:54

Unleaded Opal fuel can be used in place of regular unleaded fuel in passenger vehicles, boats, vans and petrol motor 4WDs. Importantly, because it has the same octane rating as regular unleaded petrol, these fuels can be mixed in your petrol tank and will not affect your vehicle’s performance.

Cars manufactured before 1986 should not use Opal unleaded fuel. They should use premium unleaded fuel.

High performance vehicles that need premium unleaded fuel should not use Opal unleaded fuel.

While some pre-1986 car owners still use regular unleaded fuel with value additive, you should not do this with Opal unleaded fuel. It’s not recommended for use in your car.

My car wouldnt Idle while using it. EVERYONE I know in Alice who has tried it wasnt happy with it. I have been advised by the Harley mechanic not to put it in my bikes and other mates who are car mechanics say its crap too.
But hey.....aparently a couple of people say ist good stuff...
Choice is yours.

You sound pretty certain that problems with OPAL is an urban myth.
Do use use it in your 4WD? I take it your speeking from expierience.
I think if you have a talk to a few mechanics you might be supprised.
I have used it and it was no good in my car.

FollowupID: 554854

Follow Up By: Kumunara (NT) - Tuesday, Feb 26, 2008 at 22:51

Tuesday, Feb 26, 2008 at 22:51
G'day Hairy

My patrol is a Diesel and Opal fuel definately would not be very good for it.

I have never used it but the info I got was from the Fed Govt, Nt Govt, BP, and AANT. BP do guarantee the fuel.

There is not outlet for Opal Fuel at Katherine yet. It can be purchased in 200 litre drums from the BP depot. Opal fuel will be rolled out in the Katherine Region in 2009.

I have heard on the grapevine that the Service Stations at Alice do not have their bowsers marked Opal Fuel. That it is sold as unleaded. Is that correct?

If it is there are a lot of tourists who have been purchasing opal without realising it.

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FollowupID: 554886

Follow Up By: Hairy (NT) - Wednesday, Feb 27, 2008 at 18:42

Wednesday, Feb 27, 2008 at 18:42
Gday Tjilpi,
When OPAL first come out I contacted people like (the Fed Govt, Nt Govt, BP, and AANT etc) and they all said how fantastic it was.
When I asked for some simple data like you get the same milage out of OPAL compared to Unleaded no one could answer my questions. When I asked was there any aditives available for certain model vehicles and should they be used...again they didnt know...there standard answer was "OPAL fuel has been developed to stop Aborig..........."
Basically ,All stakeholders love it and 99% of people who have to use it have changed over to Premiun because there was a noticeable difference in economy and performance for the worst.
As for service Stations selling it but not being marked is far from the truth.
What I found was they put OPAL in there tanks before they remarked the bowsers. So we were buying OPAL thinking it was Uleaded......when my car started running like a Nissan I question the Mrs about it..............We found out it was OPAL...the bowsers hadnt been re labled.

These days you cant buy Unleaded...EVERYTHing is marked OPAL, Premium or Disel.

I know a lot of people say they have tried it and not noticed any difference. I think it depends on your vehicle and how much normal fuel was in your tank when they used it.

All I can say is from a person who has tried it, and had problems.
Now pay more for fuel to avoid it and can honestly say everyone I know has only had trouble with it.....
My advice is.....stay away from it I you can avoid it.

FollowupID: 555007

Reply By: Pezza (Bris) - Monday, Feb 25, 2008 at 10:44

Monday, Feb 25, 2008 at 10:44
You're about to do a 3000km trip which is gonna cost $800+ on fuel and you can't afford to buy a map and make a couple of phone calls ??
Or are you just lazy ?

AnswerID: 289271

Follow Up By: rredbeak - Monday, Feb 25, 2008 at 13:46

Monday, Feb 25, 2008 at 13:46
certainly not lazy otherwise id stay home in bed..yes i have maps otherwise id not know which way to go,but theres nothing better than first hand knowledgefrom actual travellers,its better than any map.

as for your attitude...maybe you cant afford to do a trip and got your nose out of joint... but have a good day anyway Mr Pezza...cheers...Rod
FollowupID: 554588

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