Picked up the C/T today without too much of a problem, hooked her up and away we went thinking that a quickish trip through Kangaroo valley would be a good way of seeing how Mahindra tows over the mountains.
Well half way up the Valley side of Cambewarra mountain we saw a boat trailer off the car...first thought was opps...trailers come off...then we looked up and thought...opps..bingle with the semi trailer....but no...they were turning around on the very narrow road and left...the other 4 cars in front did the same, except seeing that we had a 400kg trailer behind we knew we werent going anywhere.....
so we turned the car off and looked up the road / goat track and saw bikes there....Nathan knew the driver of the truck and went to see what the problem was.....there was half a road bike underneath it!.......Got talking and found the other half of the bike in a million pieces around the corner...basically crushed metal...
everyone else was turning around except us, the cops hadnt closed the road yet, but eventually did...
what happened was that the bikes, after leaving berry pub, were doing a quick stint over the mountain when one of the riders took the corner too wide and somehow ended up under the back of the truck with the mud flap throwing him out sideways along with half of his bike......he managed to come away with a broken arm.....
we sat there for the worse part of an hour before the families of the riders came to pick the rest up and only then were we offered helop to move the trailer without losing it down the
hill! and after being told that there would 1.5hr wait to drive past the truck that we could easily have gotten past without too much of an issue...we were only 20 min from
finally turned around and took off.....but because the traffic was being sent over Berry mountain and
tourist drive which connects berry and cambie mountains...there were cars going all over the place, including caravan and horse floats of all sizes on these 2 roads where 2 morris minors can almost hit each other going in opp. directions......
So thanks to about 15 sunday drivers we nearly came a guttser over the side!
All in all....it reminded us that those nutters from the city who come down for a drive have no idea on how to drive on small dangerous roads, that coppers are arrogant -
well the ones from nowra are! and that bike riders need to have a moment like this every now and then to remind them that they are not immortal!
So now that we are
home 2 hrs after what we thought, its now time for kids to go to bed early, have a drink and remember that that could have been us involved....oh and the C/T is being dealt with tomorrow!!LOL!!
If some of this doesnt make sense...truely sorry ....I finally fell asleep at 5.30 this morning and was woken up at 6.15!!!! aaahh
photos can come another day when I can be fkd