Sat phone area codes

Submitted: Thursday, Mar 20, 2008 at 21:36
ThreadID: 55766 Views:2897 Replies:6 FollowUps:3
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Hi there
When useing sat phone what area or international codes do I need when in Australia to call mobile in Australia
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Reply By: Stu & "Bob" - Thursday, Mar 20, 2008 at 21:43

Thursday, Mar 20, 2008 at 21:43
+61 (delete the first zero of the mobile number) then the rest of the number as normal.
AnswerID: 293865

Follow Up By: Stu & "Bob" - Thursday, Mar 20, 2008 at 21:45

Thursday, Mar 20, 2008 at 21:45
i.e. to call Joe Bloke on 0418 123 456, you would dial +61418 123 456
FollowupID: 559582

Follow Up By: Willem - Thursday, Mar 20, 2008 at 21:57

Thursday, Mar 20, 2008 at 21:57
Sorry but that is incorrect. Answer below by The Wattos is correct.

Even when dialling from overseas with your Satphomne back to Australia then just use the area code plus the number.

FollowupID: 559594

Reply By: Member - The W (WA) - Thursday, Mar 20, 2008 at 21:52

Thursday, Mar 20, 2008 at 21:52
Hi HK,
Every call you make, no matter if it is in the state you are calling from or not, you MUST use the area code.
eg. 08 if calling from WA to someone in WA.
If of course you are calling from WA to QLD then you MUST use the 07 area code.
BUT if you are calling a mobile phone from your satellite phone then no area code is required, just dial the number.
SO, you will always be dialling 10 digits.
Check the number on the screen is the one you really want as it does cost more than a land line or a mobile (say Next G) phone.
We have used ours more for other people stuck on the side of the road and on a few occasions for truckies that had broken down and had a satellite phone but it was with Global Star and not Iridium.
We stick to Telstra Next G and Telstra Iridium and do not have problems.
We use our satellite phone for satellite calls and Next G phone for next G calls. Just check first with your cheaper Next G (or what ever mobile phone you have) first because we have found when near some Aboriginal communities we actually go a weak but strong enough signal to not only make a call but collect our email.
Enjoy your travels.
The Wattos.
AnswerID: 293868

Reply By: Member - The W (WA) - Thursday, Mar 20, 2008 at 21:57

Thursday, Mar 20, 2008 at 21:57
Interesting what Stu & Bob said.
We have never had to do that and we have had a Satellite phone for over 10 yrs now.
I do know you need to do that if you are calling out of Australia but not for calls while you are within Australia and the receiver is also in Australia.
I may have mis-understood your question though.
Are you thinking of using it for roaming while you are out of Australia perhaps?
Sorry if I mis-understood.
The Wattos.
AnswerID: 293872

Follow Up By: HK - Thursday, Mar 20, 2008 at 22:12

Thursday, Mar 20, 2008 at 22:12
Useing it within australia. it is a motorola
FollowupID: 559600

Reply By: Member - The W (WA) - Thursday, Mar 20, 2008 at 22:39

Thursday, Mar 20, 2008 at 22:39
Yep HK,
That is fine, the Motorola is the brand or make, the Global Star or Iridium is to do with the signal, sort of.
I guess the best way to explain it is a bit on par with Telstra or Optus in mobile phones.
Believe it or not Telstra gives a better signal in fringe areas than Optus but of course Optus is cheaper to use often.
Understand what I mean?
Global star allows you to choose if you are in a mobile phone area and use that or if you are too far out it will let you use it as a Satellite phone.
BUT as with anything there is a trade off and especially when there is a weak CDMA signal but not strong enough to make and receive a call it is a right pain in the butt if you know what I mean.
I do not know if you can force it to dial out as a Satellite phone but I want it for both business as well as safety etc so I want people to be able to contact me in an emergency at home or with business and it is not much help if it thinks it is in CDMA range and I can't do anything but keep saying hello and having it cut off, then have the frustration and cost of having to call back later when we get right out of Next G range and into Satellite only range to call them back.
I wonder what will happen when CDMA ends and it is Next G? I do not know the answer to that.
If someone is in the middle of a heart attack I want advice NOW not tomorrow when in Satellite range only or go back into full CDMA range.
I'd only need the morgue by then most likely.
I do not have a problem with CDMA and I have had that since October 12 months ago, not last October, and my husband kept his CDMA for the trip from Caloundra QLD back to Augusta WA and we kept checking who had what strength signal on their phone and we both had the same thing all the way.
So we have now made the change to both having Next G and got a Next G for my mother-in-law who is almost 92 yrs old and at home in Augusta WA and we phone her on that all the time and it is a lovely clear phone.
She has hearing aids as you may guess at that age (I think we all would pretty much by then) and it does not bother her hearing aids and she prefers it to her land or fixed line to hear on.
We use the Satellite phone only for emergency or business when we have to due to the cost. (We are self funded retirees) We chose a low plan and pay a bit more for the calls but then it is a tax deduction if used for business so that helps. Everyone of course has to sort out what is best for them personally.
Good luck and if I can help at all any further, don't hesitate to ask and I'll tell you what I know which may not be a lot.
I am going to have a shower now though and go to bed (more info than you need, believe me) so I'll check again tomorrow or tomorrow night, depending on what we end up doing tomorrow. We are on Kangaroo Island at the moment and loving it. Have a safe and happy easter and I hope you family and loved ones stay safe and healthy too.
AnswerID: 293890

Reply By: geocacher (djcache) - Thursday, Mar 20, 2008 at 23:16

Thursday, Mar 20, 2008 at 23:16
Depending on your provider or method of accessing the Iridium service many of the answers given are all correct.

If you use TR Telecom you need to do the +61x xxxx xxxx thing with the dropped zero.

With Telstra as the provider you only generally need to use the full Australian number eg. 03 9999 9999 or 0417 xxx xxx but if you do the +61 thing it will ALSO work.

The +61 thing will work from your regular Telstra mobile too.

AnswerID: 293901

Reply By: Road Runner - Friday, Mar 21, 2008 at 23:37

Friday, Mar 21, 2008 at 23:37
HK, Is your satphone on an Australian service or are you with an overseas service provider?

I was recently in the US with an Australian Iridium Satphone. To dial Australia from the USA it was simply dial the area code followed by the number but to dial the USA from within the USA I had to follow the 0011-1-xxxxxxxx procedure. If you are with an overseas service provider but dialing within Australia then you may need to dial the Australian country code (61) followed by the number prefixed with area code (minus zero) followed by the number.

AnswerID: 294076

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