Saturday, Mar 29, 2008 at 21:47
Hi Nev ,
I would trust Overlander more than the other two , but they all suffer from the same ailments .
They are not willing to speak the truth about product that is bad , as it might annoy an advertiser . So you hear biased reports constantly .
The 4WD mag. trek reports are so shallow , their maps so poor , that you would be much better buying a book on the region you are planning to visit.
They might do a four page article entitled "The
Gibb River Road" . This will be five pages long , but of that , 70% will be photos of the half witted author standing in the pub , standing in front of a sign , going across a creek , a wildlife photo , a photo of a burnt out car , a sunset , etc , etc .
The 30% copy is lightweight blather with lot's of cretinous "Aussie idiom" to make you feel like your "one of the boys".
Buy some books , buy some good maps and search the archives on this site , for info on the area you are going to . Then ask specific questions on here , of people who have travelled there .
Cheers ,
Willie .