As some of you might have guessed, I LUV stickers..NOT.
But now that I'm a member here, I feel that I'm going to need one on the vehicle.
I suppose that they help to identify one as a member of ExplorOz, but what does one do when they are spotted ?
Do the kids play spotto ?
Do you pass at a great rate of knots and then use the air horn when alongside?
Give them the traditional salute ? (get off the road you silly old bleep.!!!.)
Or perhaps make a beeline for them when stopped for morning tea? (Hey mate, got any spare coffee?)
Is it really the "secret handshake" that makes you into an instant mate?
I don't really enjoy seeing yet more stickers out in the bush. With my luck there'll be one stuck on Lassiters Reef when I discover it !
Now I can see the value of sticking them on, say, the Great Wall of China. Sort of "Oh look mum, there's a sticker. A member must have passed this way, quick get a photo before all the rabbits are gone". Or is that a flag I'm thinking of ? :)
But few have difficulty recognizing me anyway.(oh look mum, there's that really old guy we passed...again and again and again)
I suppose at the meetings of Exploroz members, they could be used as a sort of "union card" (remember them?). I shudder to think of any poor forumite turning up without the necessary secret sign...or free beer(I'm sure that would make you an instant mate)
Hey there's an idea for a competition at such gatherings. Who has the most stickers? Stickerman or Stickerwoman or person or whatever could be awarded a special sticker.
Maybe I'll need a dozen stuck all over the vehicle to help me beat old timers. Hopefully not for a while. Now where was I? Oh yes..stickers.
So where's YOUR sticker stuck ? (and please remember that this is a family