Tuesday, Apr 15, 2008 at 18:36
antenna /an'tena/, n., pl. -tennae /-'tcni/ for def. 1; -tennas for def. 2. 1. Zool. one of the jointed appendages occurring in pairs on the heads of insects, crustaceans, etc., often called feelers. 2. a radio or television aerial. [L: a sailyard] - antennal, antennary, adj. -antenniform, adj.
antenna, an-ten'a, n. a feeler or horn in insects, crustaceans, and myriapods: in wireless communication, a structure for sending out or receiving electric waves: an aerial:- antenn'ae (-e), antenn'as (radio).-adjs. antenn'al, antenn'ary; antenn'iform; antenniferous.-n. antenn'ule, one of first or smaller pair of antennae in crustaceans.
Yep. Antennas for British and Australian
The diversity of English is inspiring but I need to get out a bit.