Thursday, Apr 24, 2008 at 20:03
Hi All
I am about to go from full on with our business, to semi- retirement mode, and still have a good income, we pass all of our running costs,
on to our client. which is a Government Agency.
I feel for the average wage earner, and some small businesses that
are really finding it tough, You only have to see people fueling up
at the servos, and they grimace, when they pull out the plastic card
and pay on credit, and worse still the Pensioners who live on a
Pityfull amount of money, but need that
dam motor vehicle to keep
the little bit of independance they still have.
I still have a small listing of pensioners, that ring up and want a
plumbing job done, and want to pay as soon as you finish the job,
I tell them we will send an account, but bugger it, we never do.