Noisy fan belt....

Submitted: Sunday, Apr 27, 2008 at 18:33
ThreadID: 57045 Views:3232 Replies:9 FollowUps:1
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howdy folks. hows things?

Just a quick one. my fan belt gives the occassional loud 'squawk' at start up. is that a sign to replace or just add some lube/ TLC to stop the noise?

Cheers in advance...

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Reply By: Member - Graham H (QLD) - Sunday, Apr 27, 2008 at 18:48

Sunday, Apr 27, 2008 at 18:48
Usually its the power steering belt loose that causes that Tighten it up a bit or replace it if its old
AnswerID: 300798

Reply By: GerryP - Sunday, Apr 27, 2008 at 20:42

Sunday, Apr 27, 2008 at 20:42
Belt squeal on startup is often the alternator belt. Starting drains some powere from the battery and the alternator works harder for a short while trying to recharge it. Could simply need adjusting up a bit, or it could be the belt is worn or glazed. Don't use lubricant - it won't work and will probably make it worse and/or damage the belt.
AnswerID: 300823

Reply By: dedabato (SA) - Sunday, Apr 27, 2008 at 22:12

Sunday, Apr 27, 2008 at 22:12
Hi Rowen
Belt needs adjustment. If is glazed it would ALWAYS squeal and more you accelerate, more noisier it would be.

AnswerID: 300845

Reply By: Member - David P (VIC) - Sunday, Apr 27, 2008 at 22:18

Sunday, Apr 27, 2008 at 22:18
Fan couplings are quite tight cold plus the belt softens with heat. Its probably quite old and hard first thing in morn, particularly if yr in S states.....silverback
AnswerID: 300848

Reply By: neil&brenda - Sunday, Apr 27, 2008 at 23:03

Sunday, Apr 27, 2008 at 23:03
Rowen, Easy fix is don't believe the other advise. Tighten if more than an inch of play in the belt and spit on a bar of soap and apply the bar to the belt whilst it is rotating (carefully) and this should stop the squawk. Otherwise it could be number of potentials, ie. alternator bearings, water pump or air con.
AnswerID: 300853

Follow Up By: donk - Sunday, Apr 27, 2008 at 23:40

Sunday, Apr 27, 2008 at 23:40
I would tighten a V belt well before it had 1 inch of play in it (unless it was a mile long ) & your owners manual should have the deflection of each belt on your vehicle & where on the belt to check it

Regards Don

FollowupID: 566953

Reply By: Member - Olcoolone (S.A) - Monday, Apr 28, 2008 at 08:29

Monday, Apr 28, 2008 at 08:29
There are a number of things that could cause belt squeal.

1) Loose belts.
2) Worn belt causing the belt to bottom out in the pulley.
3) Worn pulley causing the belt to bottom out in the pulley.
4) Glazed belt.
5) Damaged belt.

If the belts are over 3 years it may pay to replace them.

Or remove all the belts and check each belt for damage, bend the belt in the opposite directing and see if it cracks.

Check to see if there are no cracks in the belt.

Check all the pulleys to see that the belt has been running on the sides of the "V" and not bottoming out.

Check to see if the right section belt has been fitted to suit the pulleys.

Spin all the pulleys that can be turned by hand and check for excessive play and notchiness.

Check to see if all the auxiliary are tight like alternator, power steering etc.

Be warned sometimes tightening a belt can cause the belt to break if you don't check it for damage first.

Try and stay away from soap or belt conditioners as it is only a short term fix and you may be covering up a underlying problem that may make you strandard.

Regards Richard
AnswerID: 300891

Reply By: Member - barry F (NSW) - Monday, Apr 28, 2008 at 08:47

Monday, Apr 28, 2008 at 08:47
Hi Ro, Talk about discrimination. "Solo girl " put in a very similar post as yours about two weeks ago. In a very short space of time it generated 1300 odd hits, and more replies & follow ups than you could poke a stick at & LOL
I am not sure if she got her squeaky belt fixed or not, but she certainly got plenty of advise!! Anyway, hope you get your problem fixed. Cheers.
AnswerID: 300898

Reply By: MEMBER - Darian (SA) - Monday, Apr 28, 2008 at 18:54

Monday, Apr 28, 2008 at 18:54
I was very surprised a couple of years back as to how tight they need to be - the belt may be fine but just needs to be really tightly tensioned.
AnswerID: 301012

Reply By: Roughasguts - Monday, Apr 28, 2008 at 22:02

Monday, Apr 28, 2008 at 22:02
If you just have a noisy fan belt, eg not slipping. A spray with silicone spray works for quite a few weeks. Theres also Armour all but that doesn't last as long.
AnswerID: 301068

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