Wednesday, May 07, 2008 at 20:01
Hi all
well I have been 'playing around' with
the SPOT unit last night and can report
1) the "I am ok' works
well - basically you just set up who you want to receive the message via their e-mail addy, on your web page. When you send out the signal it sends an e-mail that shows a simple message that you can set-up yourself.
Mine says "Hi this is Terry I am all OK" it also states your lat/long - the nearest town and how far away from that town you are and the time and date of the signal. It also has an hypertext link to a page on Google maps that shows where you are.
2) I also went for a drive last night so I could
test the 'tracking' part. Basically once activated the unit sends a signal once every 10 minutes. These signals are numbered. You can then grant access to as many people as you want to a web page that is part of your account with spot. They then log-in and can view the waypoints that SPOT has sent out.
I haven't tested the "Help' or the EPIRB parts, for obvious reasons :-))
But so far I am very happy with what I have got and it is performing as outlined on
the SPOT website.
The only thing that I haven't been able to figure out is how to set-up the sms txt message part. I have had to send an e-mail to SPOT for advice on that. My problem is that when you set up the sms txt you get a menu drop-down of companies that are the 'default' service provider - unfortunately Telstra Aust isn't on the list and I cannot figure out what to do next.
So hopefully I will get advice from SPOT and get it sorted for next report :-))