slipping clutch or not

Submitted: Sunday, May 11, 2008 at 16:37
ThreadID: 57495 Views:2077 Replies:4 FollowUps:0
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hi all
This one will get you thinking !!! i have a 1992 GQ patrol diesel had a new heavy duty clutch kit fitted 18 months a go cost $1500 dollars car has done less than 25000k's since fitting no towing or heavy work i got 250,000k's out of last clutch so don't think driver technique.
Problem driving to the Argadells in the southern Flinders ranges last week, when i tried to over take in 4th gear revs went to 3500 vehicle did not go any where i thought one stuffed clutch. We where close to camp site so kept going ,travelling with club so had plenty of back up.Next morning the mechanic in the club took it for a drive clutch worked fine he said nothing wrong so for three days vehecle went up and down some fairly steep hills not a problem. On the way home started slipping again a very slow trip home.Took it back where i had clutch done answer sorry mate out of warranty not impressed but what can you expect these days ?
Took it to a fifth mechanic today told him that i have had 4 mechanics look at it two said clutch is stuffed and two said it was ok so he was the deciding factor his answer he would not commit either way what am i suppose to do . I am quite good when it comes mechanics on a vehicle but this one has me whacked. I all ways thought if a clutch slips it is stuffed but this one seems to slip then not. All mechanics did the same tests that you would expect
but no joy. Any ideas ideas short of burning it would be welcomed.
thanks in advanced
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Reply By: Affordable Batteries & Radiators - Sunday, May 11, 2008 at 17:55

Sunday, May 11, 2008 at 17:55
Have it checked by an independent garage. There could be oil or other contaminant and may need to see if they replaced the seals when they did the job.

AnswerID: 303265

Reply By: Member - Footloose - Sunday, May 11, 2008 at 18:37

Sunday, May 11, 2008 at 18:37
As you would be only too aware, clutches start to slip by doing it occasionally, and then it becomes more frequent until you're stationary. I had one that went for 20 000K and slipped occasionally until it finally gave up.
Have you checked the master and slave clutch cyclinders? Thought so.
But heck, 20kkm out of a clutch seems a very small clutch life, doesn't it.
AnswerID: 303279

Reply By: Chris & Debbie - Sunday, May 11, 2008 at 19:32

Sunday, May 11, 2008 at 19:32
If the clutch works well when not slipping there is a good chance that it is the master cylinder or cluch peddle/linkage. Next time it slips stop the vehicle get underneath and make sure the clutch release lever has free play and that the slave cylinder has returned fully, this will narrow down the problem.
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AnswerID: 303292

Reply By: tezzal - Sunday, May 11, 2008 at 20:10

Sunday, May 11, 2008 at 20:10
If clutch has vacuum assist check clearance between booster and master cylinder. Heat on long drives trends to reduce clearance and make the master cylinder hold on causing the clutch to slip. Once you stop and things cool down everything is fine again. Increase clearance if this is the case.
AnswerID: 303304

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